UNO High-level Meeting zur Kultur des Friedens
Die UNO tagte in New York um die Beschlüsse des Madrider Gipfels vom July dieses Jahres umzusetzen. Spanien ist derzeit einer der friedenspolitisch aktivsten Staaten. Spanien setzt dem Terror eine Kultur des Friedens entgegen und ist damit erheblich erfolgreicher als die Falken rund um Präsident Bush. Sie sind mit ihrer Unkultur des Krieges auf allen Feldern Verlierer.
Der Irak eine der Wiegen der ersten Hochkulturen ist zerstört und destabilisiert die US-Wirtschaft ist ruiniert und die Welt ist unsicherer de je – trotz der höchsten Verschwendung von Ressourcen ans Militär, die Welt je sah. …
High-level meeting on the culture of peace
12-13 November 2008
Following the adoption of the Madrid Declaration in July 2008 at the World Conference on Dialogue, the General Assembly is holding a two-day high-level meeting to review the process initiated at the Conference.
In the course of the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures (2010), the General Assembly decided in its resolution 62/90 (December 2007) to hold a meeting with civil society on interreligious and intercultural dialogue, understanding and cooperation for peace.
This two-day November meeting should serve as a preparatory step towards the 2010 event.
13 November
- List of Speakers [PDF]
- Meeting Summary
- News Story
- Webcast – AM session [3h13] | PM session [5h04]
- Press Conference Text | Video [RealPlayer – 33 min]
Statements (in PDF)
Morning session
- President of the General Assembly – Text | Video [21min]
- Germany [English – 1.01MB]
- Paraguay [Spanish]
- Greece [English]
- Japan [English]
- Pakistan [English – 1.64MB]
- Turkey [English – 1.64MB]
- Spain [English] [Spanish]
- Brazil [English]
- China [English – 1.13MB]
- Canada [English] [French]
- Sudan [Arabic]
- Norway [English]
- Portugal [English]
- Organization of the Islamic Conference [English]
Afternoon session
- Singapore [English – 1.01MB]
- Azerbaijan [English]
- Mauritania [Arabic] [English]
- Malaysia [English]
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [English]
- El Salvador [Spanish – 1.08MB]
- Bangladesh [English – 1.03MB]
- Ukraine [French]
- Viet Nam [English]
- Chile [English]
- Italy [English]
- Albania [English]
- Belgium [French]
- Nigeria [English]
- Thailand [English – 1.07MB]
- Ecuador [English]
- Belarus [English]
- Costa Rica [Spanish]
- Bolivia [Spanish – 2.18MB]
- United Republic of Tanzania [English]
- Argentina [Spanish]
- Cameroon [French – 1.13MB]
- Uganda [English]
- Comoros [French – 1.00MB]
12 November
- List of Speakers [PDF]
- Meeting Summary
- News Story
- Webcast – AM session [3h13] | PM session [2h39]
Statements (in PDF)
Morning session
- President of the General Assembly – Text | Video [21min]
- UN Secretary-General – Video [8 min]
- Saudi Arabia [Arabic] [English] [French]
- Philippines [English]
- Kuwait [Arabic – 1.02MB ] [English – 1.26MB]
- Israel [English – 2.06MB]
- Jordan [Arabic] [English]
- Finland [English]
- Lebanon [Arabic] [English – 1.14MB] [French 1.01MB]
- Afghanistan [English – 1.13MB]
- Qatar [English]
- Morocco [Arabic – 1.05MB] [English]
- Holy See [French]
Afternoon session
- Egypt [Arabic] [English – 1.04MB]
- France (on behalf of EU) [French – 1.75MB]
- Djibouti [French – 1.17MB]
- Kazakhstan [English]
- Palestinian National Authority [English – 2.07MB]
- Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia [English]
- India [English – 1.26MB]
- Dominican Republic [English]
- Denmark [English]
- Australia [English]
- Libyan Arab Jamahiriy [English]
- Guatemala [English] [Spanish]
- Switzerland [French]
- Netherlands [English]
Background Information
- “Towards a culture of peace” (Agenda item 45)
- Proposal to hold a high-level meeting [PDF]
- Press Conference by President of the General Assembly (11 Nov.)
- Video [Real Player – 48 min]
- Press Release
- Documents
- Report of the Secretary-General (A/63/262)
- Note by the Secretary-General (A/63/127)
- Draft resolutions (A/63/L.23 and A/63/L.24/Rev.1)
Related links
Posted in english, espangnol, français, Friedensarbeit, Friedensbewegung, Friedenskultur, Friedensorganisation, Friedenspädagogik, Friedenspolitik, Global, Peacebuilding, عربسش