Principle that governments responsible wars are liable for the damages
Erstellt am 24.07.2018 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 4250 mal gelesen und am 24.07.2018 zuletzt geändert.
UNHCR reported on 19 Jun 2018
Globally, the forcibly displaced population increased in 2017 by 2.9 million.By the end of the year, 68.5 million individuals were forcibly displaced worldwide as a result of persecution, conflict, or generalized violence. As a result, the world’s forcibly displaced population remained yet again at a record high.
I suggest a right for forcibly displaced persones to migrate the countries whitch spend the most money for military forces or have the biggest share in world weapon exports.
E.g. 35 % of 69,000,000 to the USA (about 25,000,000?) , China (7.000.000), …
Attachments: Global trends 2017 annexes and tables (.zip)
Posted in english, Global, Krisenregion, Menschenrecht, Unfrieden