Galtung in Diskussion zum Krieg in Libyen
Dpa meldete laut Süddeutsche Zeitung:
>>Die Zweifel am Erfolg des Nato-Militäreinsatzes in Libyen wachsen.
«Die ehrliche Antwort lautet:
Für diesen Konflikt gibt es keine militärische Lösung»,
(Nato-Generalsekretär Anders Fogh Rasmussen im «Spiegel»).
Galtung: “The Libya attack was planned months ago…
It was the CIA armed NFSL, and its spokes-person Ibrahim Sahad (a Nobel Peace Prize candidate?), who launched the demonstrations in February that led to the humanitarian crisis. Unlike in Tunisia and Egypt the demonstrations were quickly militarized…
The British and French signed a military agreement November 2 2010 and began planning the attack on Libya no later than January 30, 2011.”
Italien okkupierte 1911 Libyen
„The Italian invaders used everything on their hands to torture, kill, rape and humiliate the peaceful Libyans on their own homeland,
as their leader dictator Mussolini used the same technique against the Libyans as his buddy Hitler used against the Jews.“
Posted in Afrika, english, Krisenregion