Stellt die Friedensfragen!

Vienna Peace Summit evicted by ÖGB

Erstellt am 09.06.2023 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 1807 mal gelesen und am 09.06.2023 zuletzt geändert.

Yesterday, shortly before Midnight, H. Peter Degischer – one of the organizers of the International Summit for Peace in Ukraine 2023 – ISP Ukraine 2023 – Peace by peaceful means ( – informed me:

The lambs have to remain silent when the War-Dogs steer together into the abyss with all of us

„Since the ÖGB has given in to the request of the Ukrainian ambassador, the Vienna Peace Summit will be moved from the ÖGB Catamaran to LORELY, Penzingerstr.72, 1140 Vienna.“

The program of Saturday 10 June and Sunday 11 June 2023 remains unchanged.

Perhaps we should now introduce a new category of culture of discord. But the tag „discord“ probably does it too. Kreisky should probably never have invited the PLO’s terror chief. If the guns are thundering, then Christians, socialists, liberals, Jews, pacifists… to be silent. Link: Warmongers defame peace conference with suspicion of propaganda


Posted in Österreich, Termine, Unfrieden, Wien

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