Stellt die Friedensfragen!

1st Fried Bio in English

Erstellt am 18.01.2022 von Andreas Hermann Landl
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Petra Schönemann-Behrens provides an informative review of the life and times of Alfred H. Fried (1864-1921), a significant Austrian pacifist of the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century.

He was born in Vienna and died there. He lived for many years in Germany and in Exile in Switzerland. 12 years after his death his pacifist books were burned and exist in only a few copies – especially in the countries censored by Nazi-Germany form 1933 till 1945.

This book is an important contribution to heal a global wound in the collective consciousness. As free mason, free thinker with jewish roots who died in 1921 he had like Kant and Suttner global solutions. Right wing zionists, diktators and democrats all around the globe could learn quite a lot from Fried. Nomen est omen! Peace! „Organize the world!“

Alfred Hermann Fried

Peace Activist and Nobel Prize Laureate

The English translation of Petra Schoenemann-Behrens’s biography of Alfred Hermann Fried has just been published – ten years after her german book came out. It was published by the old Dutch publishing house of Brill in Leiden. 

Peter van den Dungen 18.1.2022

The book is not cheap but, fortunately and surprisingly, it is in big parts freely accessible online at:

The chief translator had invited Peter van Dungen to write a short foreword which is at  
His epilogue to the 2011 German edition has also been translated.

Hopefully this English version will greatly help to make Fried better known and appreciated in the wider world.

Peter van den Dungen 18.1.2022

Link to the publisher: Brill’s Specials in Modern History, Volume: 5

Author: Petra Schönemann-Behrens

Translators: Edward T. Larkin and Thomas B. Ahrens

In response to the…See MoreCopyright Year: 2022E-Book (PDF)Availability: PublishedISBN: 978-90-04-47037-8Publication Date: 15 Nov 2021HardbackAvailability: PublishedISBN: 978-90-04-47015-6Publication Date: 11 Nov 2021


Posted in Abrüstung, Afrika, Amerika, Asien, China, Conversion, Deutschland, english, Europa, Friedensbewegung, Friedensexport, Friedensforschung, Friedensjournalismus, Friedenskultur, Friedensorganisation, Friedenspädagogik, Friedenspolitik, Friedensstifter, Friedensstruktur, Gewaltprävention, Global, Österreich, Russland, Schweiz, Slovenien, Slowakei, Südamerika, Südosteuropa, Tipp, Tschechien, Unfrieden, USA, Völkerrecht, Waffenhandel, Weltanschauungen, Wien, Zivilcourage

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