Stellt die Friedensfragen!

Huge Role Military plays In Climate Change

Erstellt am 13.02.2020 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 16672 mal gelesen und am 13.02.2020 zuletzt geändert.

Tomorrow TFF’s „Transnational Peace Affairs“ will present it’s new online magazine Bootprint. It sources to the (huge) role the world’s military systems play in climate change.

It’s time to talk much more about it and build bridges between peace and sustainability.

The struggle to reduce violence against other human being and against Nature must join forces.

But until then, browse TFF’s online magazine:

„Transnational Peace Affairs“

And these new posts on The Transnational:

A world-renown scholar on the Middle East asks:

On 41st Anniversary, has Trump’s belligerence strengthened the Iranian government?

Brilliant, passionate and knowledge-based American debate – so good you can’t see something similar in Europe

Gabbard, Kucinich and Kinzer – right on US foreign and security policy change

The weapon of mass destruction we don’t talk about, used by the U.S. for permanent warfare

The world must end Washington’s illegal economic war

How to make others obey you

An economic hit man confesses and calls to action

Yes, there are also positive developments

The World is finding happiness

Wellbeing is more important than growth

Economic growth is not the b-all and end-all in the Third World

And a piece of academic and peace research history – a scandal not told before

Peace research at Lund University closed down in 1989: Why and how?

Excuse us, but do you prefer

free research and public education for peace?

or fake and omission for violence?

Recent articles and videos on The Transnational

With a new weapon in Donald Trump’s hands, the Iran crisis risks going nuclear

The nonduality of good and evil

Nobel Peace Prize 2020 – Shortlist sent to the Committee

Gandhi’s killer evokes admiration as never before

Why NATO doesn’t target Russia B – Nepal is the new enemy, stupid!

How many millions of people have been killed in America’s post-9/11 wars? – Part 1: Iraq

How many people has the U.S. killed in its post-9/11 wars? Part 2: Afghanistan and Pakistan

TFF’s „Transnational Peace Affairs“

The new way to tell and learn about global affairs

with a touch of peace


Posted in Abrüstung, Afrika, Amerika, Asien, China, Conversion, Deutschland, english, Entwicklung, Europa, Friedensarbeit, Friedensbewegung, Friedensforschung, Friedenspädagogik, Friedenspolitik, Gewaltprävention, Global, Indien, Italien, Kriminalität, Krisenregion, Menschenrecht, Mitwelt, Nahost, Österreich, Russland, Rüstungsexport, Schweiz, Slovenien, Slowakei, Südamerika, Südosteuropa, Tipp, Tschechien, Umwelt, Unfrieden, Ungarn, USA, Völkerrecht, Waffenhandel, Weltanschauungen, Wirtschaft

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