Stellt die Friedensfragen!

Peace and Understanding through Travel and Hosting

Erstellt am 29.12.2017 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 2524 mal gelesen und am 29.12.2017 zuletzt geändert.

Servas is a special way of seeing the world


a place where there are no strangers.

Travelling with Servas

  • Are you full of questions when you visit a new place or another country but not sure where to find the answers?
  • Perhaps you want to have a more fulfilling connection with the people who live there, and find out for yourself the inside story on the places you visit?

Servas can open doors for travellers who want to connect with the world on another level. There are more around 15 000 Servas hosts in more than 100 countries​ who would love to open their homes to travellers.

Servas travellers usually stay with a host for two days and share their everyday lives.

The travellers and their hosts can find time to talk things over – fascinated to explore differences and excited to see what is the same for all of us.

Servas travellers come from all walks of life and all ages. They may already have travelled widely or be starting out on their first contacts with other cultures and countries. What they have in common is a wide-ranging curiosity and an open-minded approach to other cultures, and a commitment to promoting peace through friendship and shared experience.

Find out more about Servas on the Servas website for the country where you live. See the Country Websites menu at the top of this page for how to become a member of Servas and travel and host. Some Servas countries offer step-by-step information on how to join Servas.

Join Servas.


Posted in english, Friedenstourismus

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