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Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals

Erstellt am 21.07.2017 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 6819 mal gelesen und am 21.07.2017 zuletzt geändert.

The World Bank released in April the 2017 Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals. With over 150 maps and data visualizations, the new publication charts the progress societies are making towards the 17 SDGs.

The Atlas is part of the World Development Indicators (WDI) family of products that offer high-quality, cross-country comparable statistics about development and people’s lives around the globe. You can:

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and their associated 169 targets are ambitious. They will be challenging to implement, and challenging to measure. The Atlas offers the perspective of experts in the World Bank on each of the SDGs.

Trends, comparisons + country-level analysis for 17 SDGs

For example, the interactive treemap below illustrates how the number and distribution of people living in extreme poverty has changed between 1990 and 2013. The reduction in the number of poor in East Asia and Pacific is dramatic, and despite the decline in the Sub-Saharan Africa’s extreme poverty rate to 41 percent in 2013, the region’s population growth means that 389 million people lived on less than $1.90/day in 2013 – 113 million more than in 1990


Posted in Afrika, Amerika, Asien, China, Deutschland, english, Entwicklung, Europa, Friedensforschung, Friedenspädagogik, Global, Krisenregion, Menschenrecht, Österreich, Tipp, Umwelt, Unfrieden, Ungarn, USA, Waffenhandel, Weltanschauungen, Wirtschaft

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