Stellt die Friedensfragen!

Young Peace Journalists

Erstellt am 14.01.2017 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 3848 mal gelesen und am 19.01.2017 zuletzt geändert.

Pax Christi International is looking for Young Peace Journalists to give a voice to people seeking refuge.

Pax Christi International is building up a young peace journalist team from all over the world to report about

  • the lives of refugees,
  • migrants,
  • asylum seekers, and
  • displaced persons.

As part of the team you will organise an interview with a person from these groups in your hometown or area.

Full [online] training will be given.

The international team of peace journalists will use their work for awareness raising, influencing policy makers, as  you seek to make a positive difference for one of the most vulnerable groups in society.

To apply to be part of this project please register your interest here.
For more information please contact Matt at our youth desk

Ella, a student from Lancashire, is already part of this project. You can read her interview with Mohammed, a refugee from Syria, here: We used to have an ordinary life.


Posted in Friedensjournalismus

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