Stoppt den Welthunger
Erstellt am 12.08.2016 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 4169 mal gelesen und am 12.08.2016 zuletzt geändert.
World Hunger
current total world population |
undernourished people in the world right now |
overweight people in the world right now |
obese people in the world right now |
people who died of hunger today |
people who died of hunger this year |
$ 486,640,236
money spent due to obesity related diseases in the USA today |
$ 114,176,683
spending on food purchased and then tossed by US households today |
$ 5,308,985
spending on global food aid today |
$ 34,516,779
amount that would allow to feed the hungry today |
$ 183,553,567
spending on weight-loss programs and products in the USA today |
$ 1,591,021
food aid budget spent on domestic processing and shipping today |
$ 929,491
revenue for four large US agribusiness corporations derived from food aid programs today |
$ 45,143,124
spending on pet food in Europe and USA today |
tons of food wasted in America today |
tons of global food aid provided today |
percentage of harvested corn, grains, and soy beans fed to animals in Europe and North America |
percentage of malnourished children who live in countries with food surpluses |
percentage of hungriest nations on earth that are net exporters of food to rich nations (36 out of 40) |
Statistics and data Sources:
current world population:
World Population Clock – Worldometers and its sources
undernourished people in the world:
State of Food Insecurity in the World 2006. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2006. – They consume less than the minimum amount of calories essential for sound health and growth. Link: world food programme
overweight and obese people in the world:
spending on food purchased and then tossed by US households:
Timoty Jones, University of Arizona (UA) in Tucson
spending due to obesity:
According to the American Cancer Society, obesity cost an estimated $75 billion in 2003 because of the long and expensive treatment for several of its complications. According to the National Institute of Health, $75-$125 billion is spent on indirect and direct costs due to obesity-related diseases.
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food wasted:
U.S. Department of Agriculture link
amount that would allow to feed the hungry:
United Nations Development Program link
spending in food aid and tons of delivered commodities:
FAO link
malnourished children who live in countries with food surpluses:
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
harvested corn, grains, and soy beans fed to animals:
Sources: link (80%) and link (50%)
poor nations that are net exporters of food to rich nations:
Source: link
StopTheHunger was in the past a website were you could click on a button to donate food paid by sponsors. StopTheHunger has completely changed in recent years and it is NOT a „click to donate“ type of site anymore (refer to The Hunger Site instead). is a Real Time Statistics project
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Posted in Ethik, Gewaltprävention, Global, Krisenregion, Menschenrecht, Unfrieden, Wirtschaft