Universal Peace Plan
Erstellt am 01.07.2016 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 5003 mal gelesen und am 01.07.2016 zuletzt geändert.
Cinema for Peace
Our Universal Peace Plan suggests to:
- reduce global military spending by 10% every 3 years (a total of 30% in 9 years).
- The billions saved on military – 170 billion USD per year in the first 3 years,
- 310 billion USD per year in the next 3 years and
- 420 billion USD per year in the following 3 years
– can be used to
- eradicate extreme poverty and
- guarantee
- universal education,
- health and
- environmental protection.
Posted in Friedensbewegung, Friedenspolitik, Friedensstifter, Friedensstifterin, Gewaltprävention, Global