Stellt die Friedensfragen!

“Nonviolence is the Weapon of the Strong”

Erstellt am 29.03.2016 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 4876 mal gelesen und am 30.03.2016 zuletzt geändert.

nonviolencePowerFilm Screening

Date: 31 March 2016. -Thursday
Time: 18:30
Location: Peace Museum Vienna – Blutgasse 3/1, 1010 Vienna

Peace Museum Vienna screens a documentary “A Force more powerful” that documents the spectacular defeat of Slobodan Milosevic in October, 2000 in a nonviolent way. The struggle was through nonviolent strategy and the youth were in the middle of these civil protests. The documentary lasts about one hour and will be followed by a discussion on the importance of nonviolence.

Various snacks are going to be made for our guests to enjoy.

Please participate in PMV’s documentary screening and learn more about Nonviolence.



Posted in Friedensarbeit, Friedensbewegung, Friedensexport, Friedenskultur, Friedensorganisation, Friedenspädagogik, Friedenspolitik, Friedenspsychologie, Friedensstifter, Friedensstifterin, Gewaltprävention, Österreich, Termine, Tipp, Weltanschauungen, Zivilcourage

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