Stellt die Friedensfragen!

Syrien Infotainment

Erstellt am 20.02.2015 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 5483 mal gelesen und am 20.02.2015 zuletzt geändert.

Syrian comedians, filmmakers and media producers made this movie to address the world with their message: ONLY MIRRORS AND FOOLS WILL TELL YOU THE TRUTH! See the 50min version here for free (private use only).

Director Tamer AlAwam died in the end of 2012 in Syria while filming. The full story of this movie can be found here: Veröffentlicht am 15.12.2013. Attention Guantanamo and War on Terror looks very similar.

See the full 120 min Version here:


Posted in Friedenskultur, Krisenregion, Nahost, Religion, Tipp, Weltanschauungen, Witz & Humor

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