Stellt die Friedensfragen!

Conference of the British Conflict Research Society

Erstellt am 01.09.2014 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 9446 mal gelesen und am 01.09.2014 zuletzt geändert.

Peace and Conflict: an Interdisciplinary Conference

Annual Conference of the Conflict Research Society

2nd-4th September 2014, University of Leeds, UK.

The Conference of the British Conflict Research Society is an interdisciplinary event that brings together academics, practitioners and policy makers to discuss a broad range of issues relating to peace and conflict studies. We welcome abstracts of proposed papers (200-300 words) or panels (500 words): please send them as soon as possible. Submissions are welcome on any theme, but we particularly welcome presentations that fit within our various sections.

Section 1- Peace and conflict studies, in general
Section 2- Contributions from across the disciplines
Section 3- Practices of conflict transformation and resolution
Section 4- Family and community: lived experiences, policy responses and the third sector (Tuesday 2nd September)
Section 5- Gendering peace and conflict resolution (Wednesday 3rd September)
Section 6- Scientific Study of Conflict and Cooperation (Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th September)

The Society also welcomes submissions for the Cedric Smith Prize 2014, a prize for the best piece of peace and conflict research (broadly defined) by a UK based student (either currently at the pre-degree stage or having passed their PhD no earlier than 1st July 2013). If you or your students are interested please contact Gordon Burt now:

The Conference will also feature presentations from the joint winners of the Conflict Research Society Book of the Year Prize:

  • Kevin Avruch (2012) Context and pretext in conflict resolution: conflict, identity, power and practice. Boulder CO: Paradigm Publishers.
  • Lars-Erik Cederman, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch and Halvard Buhaug (2013) Inequality, Grievances, and Civil War. Cambridge University Press.

For Exampel Prof. Peter van den Dungen will be attending the annual conference of the British Conflict Research Society, tomorrow and the next two days. It is being held at the university in nearby Leeds. One of the speakers is prof. Jake Lynch, from the Univ. of Sydney. He is a leading peace journalist. He is giving a talk about Jan Bloch, and he will be chairing the session.

Jake Lynch
Associate Professor Jake Lynch, PhD (City University, London) is Director of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (CPACS) at the University of Sydney; an Executive Member of the Sydney Peace Foundation and Secretary General of the International Peace Research Association, having organized and hosted its Sydney conference in July 2010. He is also a Senior Research Fellow of the School of Communication at the University of Johannesburg.


Fourth draft: 25 August 2014

Visit Conference Update Page for subsequent drafts:

Peace and Conflict: an international interdisciplinary conference

Conflict Research Society

School of Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds

September (18.00) to Thursday 4th

Monday 1st;; ;


How to find us:

Leeds train station … Woodhouse Lane … Parkinson Building (point 2) … Michael Saddler Building (point 3) on:

The Map, page 1:

Accommodation: Storm Jameson Court, Mount Preston Street – the street is on The Map. Reception: 24-hour.

Evening meal in Beech Grove Room, University House, (point 4 on The Map – see above) …

… adjoining Terrace Bar, Student Union, (point 4 on The Map – see above).

Breakfast in the Refectory, 8.00-9.00 (point 4 on The Map – see above).

Meetings: Michael Saddler Building (MSB) – Plenaries are in X; Parallels in Rooms LG19 and 15, 17, 16

Equipment: all rooms have PC, DVD and computer projection as standard.

The central hub is Michael Saddler Building (MSB) Room LG10:

Registration & Conference Desk, Tuesday to Thursday, 8.30am onwards: LG10

Food, Tuesday to Thursday: tea, coffee and lunch in LG10;

Book display: LG10

All the buildings are within three minutes walk of one another.

MEETinLEEDS (university conference host): 0113 343 3638

Campus security: 0113 343 2222.

Programme changes, timing

(1) Note that there may be some last-minute changes.

(2) The slots in the programme are usually 25 minutes. They start on the half hour or hour, e.g. 9.30, 10.00, 10.30.

They end five minutes before the hour or half-hour, e.g. at 9.55, 10.25, 10.55.

This allows 5 minutes for the set up of the next session and for possible migration between rooms.

Note that the 25 minutes includes time for questions and discussion – say between 5 and 10 minutes.


Many of you volunteered to chair a session. Many thanks. Please check where you appear in the programme –

‘(Miall)’ indicates that Miall is chair.

Tuesday: Burt; Miall, Kemp; Lynch, Darweish; Ramsbotham

Wednesday: Gizelis, Schlaug, Darling; Ozerdem, Breen, Thimm, Jacob; Adhikari, Forde, RMitchell, [Eriksson]; Burt, Woodhouse, Clayton;

Thursday: Cochrane; Davies, Harris, Kilroy; Clayton, Skaar, Littler; Miall; Atack, Abouharb, Burt

Reserves: McKenzie, Gledhill, Gillespie, Isci, Judith Scott, Natil

Note timing above. Please be in the room 5 minutes before the start to ensure all is in order.

Conference team

Gordon Clubb, Charlotte Clements, Georgiana Epure, Chloe Gilgan, Bethany Gooding, James Parry, Graeme Davies, (Leeds).

Rachel Julian (CRS and Leeds Metropolitan), others (Leeds Metropolitan)

Tom Woodhouse, Rania Dimitraki, Steve Pickering, Kate Seaman, Hugh Miall, Maria Power, Govinda Clayton,

Gordon Burt; and the CRS Council (CRS).


18.00 Pre-dinner mingling in foyer of Storm Jameson Court

18.30 Dinner: informal evening meal in Beech Grove Room, University House, for those who booked; ‘outside the

conference’ for others

20.00 Post-Dinner: informal evening discussion in Beech Grove Room – see below; or ‘outside the conference’.

The Bad, The Good and The Hist’ry, Part 1: Inner Demons (Steven Pinker’s book);

Case Study: from Arab Spring to Islamic State … from East London … is it 1917 again?

September (17.00), 2014




Michael Saddler Building, MSB

Plenaries are in X; Parallels in Rooms LG19 and 15, 17, 16

Equipment: all rooms have PC, DVD and computer projection as standard.

The central hub is Room LG10

Registration & Conference Desk, Tuesday to Thursday, 8.30am onwards: LG10

Food, Tuesday to Thursday: tea, coffee and lunch in LG10;

Book display: LG10


Tuesday 2nd September

X The Contours of Qualitative Longitudinal Research Neale (Burt) : chairs in brackets

19 New agenda, peace journalism, gender – Burt, Lynch, Gizelis (Miall)

15 Insurgencies; peacekeeping – Brunelli, Cocodia, Morales (Kemp)

19 Pre-1914 peace research, IR, trust – Van den Dungen, Francis, McKenzie (Lynch)

15 Non-violence, post-conflict memory – Atack, Forde, Kikkenborg (Darweish)

X Good neighbours; conflict research review – Cochrane, CMitchell (Ramsbotham)

Wednesday 3rd

19 Heuristics, hermeneutics, faith Phillips, Ramsbotham, Ozerdem (Gizelis)

15 Rhetoric, resistance, human rights Thimm, Darweish, Breen (Schlaug)

17 Fragmentation, governance, love Kemp, RMitchell, Mutisi (Darling)

19 Border economies, polarisation, peace studies Brenner, Miall, Kester, (Ozerdem)

15 Facilitation, transformation, crisis Fisher, Schlaug, Mboumba Nzamba (Breen)

17 Africa: social capital, conflict history, conflict minerals Kilroy, Nwankwo, Taka (Thimm)

16 Ethnic conflict, reconciliation, mediation Bara, Eriksson, Oussou (Jacob)

19 International law, Humanitarian, extreme, external patrons Gillespie, Abouharb, Gledhill, Bakke (Adhikari)

15 Reconciliation; poetry; intervention; numbers to narratives Darling, Garson; Isci, Natil; (Forde)

17 Community conflict management, social capital, sport; Cyprus Wilkinson, Yellowthunder, Woodhouse,

. Harris (RMitchell)

[16 Rapid Deployment Presentation! … on surveillance Wright (Eriksson)]

X CRS Book of the Year Prize 2014 Avruch, Cederman, Gleditsch, Buhaug

Thursday 4th September

X Forced migration; displacement and return Adhikari, Loizides (Cochrane)

19 Peace sustainability; Afghan coercion Clayton & De Rouen, Skaar (Davies)

15 Health Impact Assessment Birch, Cook, Cave, Behrouzan (Harris)

17 Psychology: morality, dictators, aggression, logic Bury, Levy (Kilroy)

19 Public sensitivity; economy growth; inequality Davies & Johns, Ohmura, Abbs, (Clayton)

15 Nigeria and Boko Haram terrorism Jacob, Adewumi, Okolie-Osemene & Okoh (Skaar)

17 Rebels: electoral politics, transnational kin Souris, Verbrugge & Adam, Smidt (Littler)

X Can peace research make peace? Kivimaki (Miall)

19 Religion; nationalism; child soldiers Littler, Suzuki, Hinkkainen (Atack)

15 Negotiating the end to terrorism Kadioglu, Clubb, CRS North* (Abouharb)

*15 The CRS of the North? – a discussion Burt, Woodhouse, Julian, and others (Burt)




Posted in english, Friedensforschung, Friedensjournalismus, Termine, Tipp

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