Friedensjournalismus – organisiert die Welt!
Ich wollte den Guardian, die Washinton Post, Russia Today, Le Monde Diplomatique, Die TAZ empfehlen. Sie sind mir durch eine meist relativ Objektive Berichterstattung aufgefallen. Die zeigen die Lügen aller Seiten auf und das ist ein wichtiger Grundsatz des Friedensjournalismus – Peace Journalism – 平安新闻 – Мир Журналистика – السلام الصحافة – journalisme pour la paix. Den Begriff habe ich in Sprachen der 6 größten Militärausgaben-Staaten laut SIPRI 2014 übersetzt. Sie habe eine neue Denke am nötigisten.
Bei der Recherche stieß ich wieder einmal auf den englischen Artikel bei Wikipedia, der sich seit 2006 sehr gemausert hat.
Sogar der Wiener Friedensnobelpreisträger und wahrscheinlich erste professionelle Friedensjournalist Alfred H. Fried ist im Artikel vermerkt. Sein Credo und Motto der von ihm begründeten Friedenswarte lautete in Esperanto: „Organizu la mondon“ – „Organisiert die Welt“. Da es aber leider derzeit noch andere Sprachen gibt, die mehr Menschen sprechen, mache ich mir die Mühe zu übersetzen “整合全球” – „Organize the World“ – „Organiser le monde“ – „Organizar el mundo“ -「世界を整理」- „تنظيم العالم“ – „Организовать мир“ um nur einige der wichtigsten zu nennen. Unter Europa steht an erster Stelle was mich natürlich besonders freut. Im englischen Wikipediaartikel sind Links friedensjournalistisch arbeitenden Organisationen gelistet die ich allen wärmstens an Herz lege.
Peace Journalism Organisations
Note: Many peace journalism organisations have both a domestic and international focus. For ease of organisation they are listed here according to their contact details or where their head office is based.
Organisation directories
- Peace and Conflict Studies Ning Network – Incorporates Conflict-Resolving Media.
- (Account suspended)
- Transcend Media Service
- Media Peace – Examines the nature of contemporary war reporting in a range of locales, including Africa, the Balkans, the Middle East, and southern Asia. (Account suspended)
- The Conversation – Australia-based analysis, research, news and ideas from academics and researchers which often includes reportage consistent with peace journalism.
- Crickey – Produces a large amount of political reporting which often includes peace journalism.
- Peace journalism at the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies – University of Sydney.
- Sydney Peace Foundation – Awards the Sydney Peace Prize. A not-for-profit organisation promoting peace with justice through partnership between the media and business, public service, community and academic interests.
- Sydney Peace Blog – Diverse journalism, articles and opinion on the most effective ways to advance peace with justice encouraging the sharing ideas and critical analysis.
- The Website on Muslim Mindanao for Journalists and Other Communicators – Based at the Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication, Philippines.
- – Australia based, often includes peace journalism is its coverage.
- femLINKPacific – Media Initiatives for Women.
- The Media Peace Awards
- Pecojon – International network of journalists, filmmakers and journalism teachers who focus on implementing and mainstreaming responsible and high quality reporting of conflict, crisis and war.
- Media for Peacebuilding – Building Peace Media literacy by providing a showcase of successful examples of how media can be used to build a sustainable, positive peace.
- On Line Opinion – Australian e-journal whose analysis often include peace journalism.
- Ten Thousand Things – Media supporting a culture of positive peace in Japan, the Asia-Pacific, and Everywhere.
- Hiroshima Peace Media Center – Bilingual English-Japanese archive on the world’s first atomic bombing, and coverage of nuclear disarmament/proliferation, and other peace-related concerns.
- Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition – Bite the Bullet campaign to cutting military spending in Australia. AABCC campaign for the removal of all nuclear war fighting and associated intelligence facilities and activities in Australia.
- Hungry Beast – Australia’s ABC TV show combining journalism (including about international conflict), comedy and the reportage of weird. According to its website „it asks questions others don’t, covers stories others won’t and brings them to your screen in ways that only this unique team of broadcasters can do“.
- – Peace journalism from Austria based in Vienna.
- International Media Support; Media and conflict
- World Council of Churches Living Letters – Ecumenical teams visiting a country to listen, learn, and share approaches and challenges in overcoming violence.
- Institute for War and Peace Reporting
- The Centre for Crisis Reporting
- International Crisis Group
- Xchange perspectives – Dedicated to connecting the world through community based media initiatives.
- Open Democracy; News on Conflict – News analysis, debates and blogs about the world and the way we govern ourselves.
- Open Security – An editorial project of Open Democracy.
- Institute for War and Peace Reporting – Headquarters in London, and additional offices in Netherlands and the United States.
Latin America
Middle East and North Africa
- Tolerancy International – Based in Erbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan. Variety of peace journalism resources throughout the website. Promotes cooperation among men and women, institutions, countries, communities to disseminate a culture of „tolerancy“.
- A Family in Baghdad diary blog
- The Palestine Monitor
- Machsom Watch
- B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories
- The Parents Circle Families Forum – Israel and Palestine.
- Middle East Children’s Alliance
- Arab West Report
- Center for Arab West Understanding
North America
- World Association for Christian Communication
- Democracy Now – The largest public media collaboration in the U.S.
- Mother Jones – Non-profit investigative journalism.
- Peace Journalism at Park University, Missouri
- Dart Centre for Journalism and Trauma
- Jewish Voice for Peace – The largest US-based grassroots organization dedicated to promoting full equality, democracy and self-determination for both Israelis and Palestinians.
- Media Education Foundation – Includes peace journalism content within documentaries and other educational resources to inspire critical reflection on the social, political, and cultural impact of American mass media (free and paid content).
- Peace Media – Large collection of media that promotes peace. Collaborative project with US Institute of Peace and the Conflict Resolution Program at Georgetown University.
- Peace Media: Conflict transformation through mass media – Resources on role of the media in conflict and peace by Dr. Vladimir Bratic, Assistant Professor of Media and Communications at Hollins University.
- Americans for Peace Now
See also
- Objectivity (journalism)
- Peace and Conflict Studies
- Conflict Analysis
- Conflict Resolution
- Conflict Transformation
- Non-violence
- Alfred Hermann Fried – the first explicit peace journalist, Germany, Austria, Switzerland.
Posted in Abrüstung, Conversion, english, Friedensjournalismus, Friedenskultur, Friedensorganisation, Friedenspädagogik, Friedenspolitik, Gewaltprävention, Global, Peacebuilding, Redaktion, Unfrieden, Weltanschauungen, Zivilcourage