Stellt die Friedensfragen!

Cinema for Peace

Erstellt am 24.02.2014 von Andreas Hermann Landl
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“Films don’t change the world, but rather the people who see them”

„Filme verändern nicht die Welt, aber die Menschen, die sie sehen.“

In unserer heutigen technisierten Welt gibt es kein anderes Medium, das die Menschen weltweit in vergleichbar direkter Weise anspricht wie das Medium Film. Filme inspirieren durch bewegende Geschichten, erzeugen oftmals ein Gefühl der universellen Verbundenheit und können bei ihrem Publikum den Funken zünden, selbst an der Gestaltung einer
friedlicheren, gerechteren und menschlicheren Welt mitzuwirken. Filme geben weltweiten Geschehnissen ein Gesicht, sie inspirieren, begeistern und schaffen als Kunstform Einzigartigkeit.
Cinema for Peace hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, den Zugang zubesonders wertvollen Filmen zu fördern und so über alle Schichten und Grenzen hinweg ein breiteres Publikum für friedensfördernde Filme und humanitäre Inhalte zu gewinnen. Wegen der besonderen Bedeutung von Filmen für unsere Wahrnehmung der Wirklichkeit, für die Bereitstellung
von Informationen und die Vermittlung von Werten ist es überaus wichtig, jedem Einzelnen in der Welt einen Zugang zu ermöglichen. Vor allem Kinder und Jugendliche müssen in die Lage versetzt werden, Filme und andere Medien selbstbestimmt und unabhängig zu nutzen und eine Sensibilität für hochqualitative Filme zu entwickeln.
Der Cinema for Peace Filmkatalog für Schulen bietet die perfekte Basis, um im Unterricht und in der Freizeit wichtige gesellschaftliche Themen zu diskutieren sowie selbst in der Filmproduktion kreativ zu werden.
Das Angebot des Schulfilmkatalogs setzt sich aus einer Vielzahl von Filmen zu unterschiedlichsten Themen und Fachbereichen zusammen, von Kurzfilmen über Spielfilme bis zu Dokumentationen, die von der Cinema for Peace Stiftung sorgfältig in Hinblick auf erzieherische Aspekte ausgewählt wurden. Wir hoffen, mir unseren Filmen zum Nachdenken zu bewegen, neugierig zu machen und Horizonte von Schülern wie Lehrern zu erweitern.
Die einzelnen Filmbeschreibungen enthalten Informationen zur Produktion, eine Inhaltsbeschreibung sowie zusätzliche Fragestellungen, die den Umgang mit dem Film im Unterricht unterstützen sollen.

Download Gesamtkatalog – Full Catalogue(PDF)


Initiated and first presented by former President of Russia, and long-time Cinema for Peace supporter, Mikhail Gorbachev, in Berlin, Germany, November 2009, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall, the Cinema for Peace School Film Catalogue project endeavors to inspire and further students’ critical engagement, broaden their horizons, and facilitate and support discussions over difficult topics. This is achieved by providing schools and students the opportunity to participate in private or public screenings of carefully selected short films, feature films, or documentaries – on pertinent current humanitarian, political and environmental topics – with subsequent panel discussions by experts and/or filmmakers, as well as by offering them the possibility to partake in film workshops and short film competitions.

The first project designed to strength digital literacy, the Cinema for Peace School Film Catalogue, since its official inauguration by Cinema for Peace ambassador Katja Riemann (in May 2010), winner of the Coppa Volpi as Best Actress at the Venice Film Festival, has been fulfilling its mission to promote peace and international understanding to the world through the medium of film. Simultaneously, it also has accomplished its educational mission to raise the awareness and consciousness of relevant media topics to youth, as well as has developed and strengthened community involvement. Thus, countering use of media purely as a means of entertainment.


With the intention of expanding the project’s accessibility to international youth, the current platform is a research tool for both German students and teachers that engenders a critical approach and examination to social issues through the medium of film, initiating discussion and encouraging youth to make their own contributions to the positive shaping of the world.

A unique feature that emphasizes the significance of this catalogue is the topical nature of the films that are offered. Not only do we offer our audience films, some of which are otherwise not available in Germany, however, constantly updated, the School Film Catalogue contains new films covering relevant subject matter, with a special selection of films on current conflicts. Furthermore, in 2012, the Cinema for Peace Foundation developed the green choice for the School Film Catalogue, and included films on agriculture, world food problem, environmental policy and the increase of plastic.

The School Film Catalogue, and all the subjects it addresses, are available to all schools in Germany, free of charge.

Download Full Catalogue (PDF)

NOTE: We are currently working on a revised second edition, in both German and English, which will be available summer 2013.


We invite school groups to the movies with pre and post screening discussions, in round-table form, with either an expert or an individual who was involved in the making of the film, as an integral part of the experience. Through this experience, we provide students with the opportunity to process what they have seen and then to directly discuss it. Furthermore, the visit to the cinema itself offers students a change in scenery, allowing them to utilize the full potential of the medium of film by receiving a full sensory experience.


We understand the difficulty of integrating field trips into the daily operation of school; therefore, we offer private in-school screenings, so as to maintain the organizational structure and convenience for teachers. Similar to the public cinema screenings, we offer to enhance the in-school experience with post-screening discussions, or an optional workshop.


In order to provide students the opportunity to become active in the field of filmmaking and acting, workshops with professional guidance are offered.


For further information, or if interested in the above programs, please contact us via email at, or call our School Film Catalogue team in Berlin at +49 30 76 77 525 21.


Posted in english, Friedenskultur, Friedenspädagogik

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