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End War Fund Humanity

Erstellt am 03.10.2013 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 5600 mal gelesen und am 03.10.2013 zuletzt geändert.

End War Fund HumanityThe International Peace Bureau (IPB) is dedicated to the vision of a World Without War. Its current main programme centres on Sustainable Disarmament for Sustainable Development and it campaigns mainly on the reduction of military expenditure. IPB believes that by reducing funding for the military sector, significant amounts of money would be available for social projects domestically or abroad and lead to the fulfilling of real human needs and general development. At the same time, IPB supports different disarmament campaigns and provide them with knowledge about the economic dimensions of weapons and conflicts.

IPB has had Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council since the 1970s. We also have associate status with the Department of Public Information.

IPB plays a central role in the Geneva-based Special NGO Committee for Disarmament, which is a sub-committee of CONGO, the Conference of NGO in Consultative Status with ECOSOC. We are in close touch with our sister group in New York, the NGO Committee for Disarmament, Inc. and and follow various disarmament negotiations, within or outside the UN.

We are a Nobel Peace Laureate (1910); over the years, 13 of our officers have been recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize.


Read more about us in the IPB brochure, available in English, FrenchGerman, and Spanish.


Posted in Abrüstung, english, Entwicklung, Friedensbewegung, Friedenspädagogik, Friedenspolitik, Friedensstruktur, Global, Menschenrecht, Peacebuilding, Schweiz, Unfrieden

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