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Domestic Violence in Europe

Erstellt am 05.08.2013 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 8507 mal gelesen und am 07.08.2013 zuletzt geändert.

Currently, 9 out of 10 victims of domestic violence within the European Union are women. Furthermore, between 12 and 35 percent of women, depending on the member state, are victims of intimate partner violence.

The International Symposium, Eliminating Domestic Violence in Europe: Implementing Strategies for Protection and Prevention at The Silken Berlaymont Hotel, Brussels an Tuesday 17th September 2013 will explore the challenges ahead in shaping a truly comprehensive and holistic strategy, and developing toolkits for tackling the gender dimension of intimate partner violence. The Symposium will examine the role of organisations, at all levels, in moving to eliminate all form of domestic and gender-based violence.

A new regulation has been passed within the European Union, which will increase the protection of victims of violence across internal borders. Whilst this is a positive step forward, the inequality of protection services in different member states remains vast. The regulation is particularly directed towards the protection of female victims of violence and so does recognise the importance of a gender-based approach. However, more action is needed to ensure the comprehensive protection of victims of gender-based violence and to move towards its eradication in the EU.

The European Commission’s Daphne Programme also provides essential funding for a wide range of important projects. They are focused on reaching out to children and women who experience domestic violence within the family dynamic. Whilst some positive developments have taken place in the form of recognition of children as victims of domestic violence, adolescents do not currently receive the same consideration. Some country-specific small scale studies have taken place and have identified girls from disadvantaged backgrounds to be at particularly high-risk, but further investigation and exposure of these issues is required.

The nature of intimate partner violence has been shaped alongside the development and increased use of new technologies such as the internet. The potential for new kinds of abuse, through the use of the internet in particular, represents a considerable challenge for authorities. However, the medium of the internet also provides an important opportunity to provide support and to reach out to victims of intimate partner violence. Projects have already been developed to harness the potential that the internet and computer technologies have to offer, but there is still a large deal of potential that remains to be unlocked.

This timely International Symposium will analyse the existing challenges in shaping a truly comprehensive and holistic strategy and toolkits for tackling the gender dimension of intimate partner violence. The Symposium will examine the role of organisations at all levels, and of society in general, in moving to eliminate all form of domestic and gender-based violence.

The Symposium will support the exchange of ideas and encourage delegates to engage in thought-provoking topical debate with local and regional practitioners and policymakers at EU level.

Why Attend?

  • Examine the current strategy and framework for tackling domestic abuse and gender-based violence and explore future policy developments
  • Understand the challenges, typologies of all forms of domestic violence and abuse and explore potential solutions and prevention scenarios
  • Exchange good practices from cross-border projects and analyse comparative knowledge of shaping the use of technology in the field of intimate partner violence
  • Utilise the added value of major stakeholders, international and regional organisations in delineating holistic strategies for empowering and protecting victims of domestic and gender-based violence


09:15    Registration and Morning Refreshments
10:00    Chair’s Welcome and Opening Remarks
Protecting and Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence in the EU

Assessing Current Protection for Victims in Europe
Ensuring Implementation of the EU Directive
Europe as the Key Driver for International Standards
Policy Recommendations
10:40    First Round of Discussions
11:10    Morning Coffee Break
11:30    Analysing the Role of Society to Eliminate All Forms of Gender-based Violence in Europe
Determining the True Extent of Gender-based Violence
Reducing the Societal and Economic Cost of Violence
Reaffirming Perspectives on the Role of Society and Violence
Future Actions and Recommendations
12:00    Second Round of Discussions
12:30    Networking Lunch
The Impact of Intimate-Partner Violence on Children and Young People

Providing Young People and Children with Coping Mechanisms and Support
Raising Awareness of Teenage Relationship Abuse and its Consequences
Examples of Existing Prevention Programmes in Europe
Recommendations for Future Actions
14:00    Third Round of Discussions
14:30    Afternoon Coffee Break
14:50    Targeting Perpetrators and the Gender Dimension of Domestic Violence
Identifying Perpetrators and Assessing High Risk Situations More Effectively
Joint Cooperation and Coordination at Local, National and European Levels
Targeting the Gender Inequality Roots of Domestic Violence
Future Recommendations and Actions
15:20    Fourth Round of Discussions
15:50    Chair’s Summary and Closing Remarks
16:00    Networking Reception and Refreshments
16:30    Symposium Close

** Please note that the programme and speakers are subject to change without notice **

Who Should Attend?

Women Refugees and Advice Centres
Domestic Violence Co-ordinators
Youth Services
Housing Officers
Family Courts
Police Service, Police Authorities and Fire Services
Probation Officers
Child Protection Agencies
Families Services Officers
Family Advice Centres
Health Service Professionals
Child Welfare Research Centres
Victim Support Representatives
Community Cohesion and Development Organisations
Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships
Community Safety Teams
LGBT Rights Associations
Neighbourhood Policing Teams
Anti-Social Behaviour Coordinators
Drug & Alcohol Action Teams
Youth Offending Teams
Community Support Officers
Children and Youth Services
Housing Associations
Social Workers and Social Services Officers
Local Education Welfare Authorities
Teachers and Head Teachers
Criminal Justice Practitioners
Judges and Magistrates
Legal Professionals
Local Authority Officers & Councillors
Central Government Departments and Agencies
Equality and Diversity Practitioners
Academics and Researchers
Women’s Networks
Trade Unions
Employers’ Associations
Equal Opportunity Agencies
Women’s Lobbyist Groups
Women’s Councils
Women’s NGOs Networks
International and Regional Organisations
National Ministries and Institutes
Confederations of Women’s Organisations
Joint Committees on Women
National Coordinators on Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities
Social Exclusion Officers
Judges and Lawyers
Human Rights Groups
Disability Forums and Associations
Confederations of Independent Unions
Women in Legal Careers Associations and Bodies
Medical Women Associations
Social Care Professionals



Posted in english, Europa, Friedensarbeit, Friedenspädagogik, Gewaltprävention, Termine, Tipp, Unfrieden

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