Stellt die Friedensfragen!

The peaceful warrior

Erstellt am 15.01.2013 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 6248 mal gelesen und am 23.12.2012 zuletzt geändert. at the Martin Luther King Platz Vienna, Austria

When he was a young man, Martin Luther King (* 15. Januar 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia; † 4. April 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee) wanted a career helping people. He felt that as a minister he could speak out against racial injustice. In 1955, he helped to organize the famous Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott. Following the example of the Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. King chose nonviolence as the keystone of his fight for civil rights.

Dr. King became a leader of the civil rights movement. In 1955, he helped to organize the famous Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott. Freedom rides, sit-ins, and protest marches strengthened the battle against discrimination. As a result of these, in 1964 the United States Congress passed the historic Civil Rights Bill.

Dr. King received world acclaim when he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Congress has recently established a national holiday commemorating the birthday of this great man who courageously led a peaceful struggle for equal rights for all Americans.


Posted in Friedensbewegung, Friedenskultur, Friedenspädagogik, Friedenspolitik, Friedensstifter, Menschenrecht, Peacebuilding, Termine, Tipp, USA, Wien, Zivilcourage

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