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NPT Preparatory Committee Conference

Erstellt am 09.04.2012 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 5060 mal gelesen und am 13.04.2012 zuletzt geändert.

NPT Preparatory Committee Conference:OUTLOOKAND EXPECTATIONS




Date: Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Time: 15.00 hours
Place: Vienna International Centre,
M-Building, Room M OE 19


Ambassador Alexander Kmentt

Der Atomwaffensperrvertrag oder Nichtverbreitungsvertrag (NVVenglisch Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear WeaponsNPT) ist ein internationaler Vertrag, der das Verbot der Verbreitungund die Verpflichtung zur Abrüstung von Kernwaffen sowie das Recht auf die „friedliche Nutzung“ (peaceful use) der Kernenergie zum Gegenstand hat.

Der Atomwaffensperrvertrag wurde von den fünf Atommächten USARusslandFrankreich,Großbritannien und Volksrepublik China und mittlerweile von 190 Staaten ohne Kernwaffen unterzeichnet und ratifiziert. Lediglich vier Nationen sind derzeit nicht Mitglied: IndienIsraelNordkoreaund Pakistan.

Informativer Link zum Thema:

Alexander Kmentt is an Austrian diplomat with a specialization on
non-proliferation and disarmament issues. He is currently on leave
of absence from the Austrian Foreign Ministry and works in the
Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban
Treaty Organization (CTBTO) as Special Assistant to the Executive
Secretary. He will be returning to the Austrian Foreign Ministry
shortly as new Director for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-
Proliferation. Affairs Previous disarmament responsibilities in the
Austrian Foreign Ministry include Deputy Permanent Representative
of Austria to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva and Deputy
Director for Disarmament Affairs. During the Austrian EU Presidency
in 2006, he chaired the EU Working Group on Non-Proliferation.
Alexander Kmentt holds a Law Degree from the University of
Graz and a Masters Degree in International Relations from
Cambridge University, UK.

Guests are welcome!

Access to VIC:

A VIC grounds pass is required to enter the Vienna International Centre.

Recipients of this invitation, or their guests, who do not hold a VIC grounds pass,
are kindly requested to register by sending an email
with their full name to

Deadline for registration: Saturday 14 April 2012

Registered participants will be included in a list held by UN security at the main gate
of the VIC. Please present this invitation along with a valid ID or passport at Gate 1 of
the VIC. Please consider that formalities at Gate 1 may take time
and kindly arrive sufficiently in advance of the meeting.

The VIC, 1220 Wien, Wagramer Strasse 5, is best reached by U1
(Kaisermühlen/Vienna International Centre).


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