Stellt die Friedensfragen!

Peace Train Vienna

Erstellt am 26.02.2012 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 3436 mal gelesen und am 28.02.2012 zuletzt geändert.

„Move for peace!“

PIA’s Peacetrain

We are proud to present you our latest project: PIA was invited to design one part of the new Mini-Peacetrain (operated by Lilliput Bahn) at Danube Park, close to the UN-headquater in Vienna. The Peacetrain, which set off to its maiden voyage on the 22. June 2011 is a new attraction for children and adults from around the world.

The PIA-railway car visualizes

  • the ingredients for peace movements and
  • is designed bilingually (German/English):

We all already possess some of the peace qualities presented on the first section and can develop them further.

Colourful birds – not just white doves –

on the second part show that peace movements require diversity and that traditional peace symbols can be supplemented by new, creative ones. PIA-peace slogans and people in movement as well as the appeal „Move for peace!“ are further motives of the train design.

Peace is a vital process which we can actively experience and contribute to!


PIAs Project Branches

Peace in Action has developed five project branches that represent the main areas in which PIA takes action, offers expertise and invites to collaborate.

Invite a PIA-Joker-Team to your community, school or university!

Initiate an Art of Peace project and contact PIA for collaboration!

Be a “Peacejoker” – share your experiences with others!

Explore new ways in development, conflict- and peacework!

Collaborate with PIA when working on an innovative development initiative!

PIA project branches were created according to recognized needs and challenges. Share your talents, vision, knowledge and creativity by participating in PIA’s Projects.


Posted in Friedenskultur, Friedenstourismus, Österreich, Tipp, Wien

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