Transcend Peace University
the Galtung-Institut for Peace Theory and Peace Practice
Professional Trainings – online & on-site
Addressed to: Advanced students, post-graduates, government and non-government pracitioners.
Enrollment: You can enroll online, for this purpose please click on one of the courses.
For Further information please visit for the onsite-courses in Germany
18.07.2011 – 26.08.2011 Fee: OECD€300 Non-OECD:€150 |
Online Course: An Introduction to GaltungismCourse Instructor: Professor Johan Galtung |
18.07.2011 – 26.08.2011 Fee: OECD€300 Non-OECD:€150 |
Online Course: The „Arab Spring“ & the Use of NonViolenceCourse Instructor: Dr. Jørgen Johansen |
18.07.2011 – 26.08.2011 Fee: OECD€300 Non-OECD:€150 |
Online Course: The Challenges of Democracy and Constructing Just PeaceCourse Instructor: Professor Paul D Scott |
Framework: 6-week all online courses offered by the Transcend Peace University supplemented by
corresponding on-site tutorials for those who wish to call in or partake in the tutorials and
courses offered at the Galtung-Institut in Germany; designed for fully-employed participants
and students, combining autonomous work, exchange with participants from all over the world
and constant feedback from highly experienced course instructors.
On-site Course: Peace as a Selfregulating System
Course Instructor: Professor Dietrich Fischer – fee: €150
On-Site Course: Strengthening the UN System
Course Instructor: Professor Dietrich Fischer – fee: €150On-Site Tutorial: Conflict Theory: Simple, Complex & Structural Conflict Formations
Tutor: Karoline Weber – fee: €50
On-Site Tutorial: Conflict Transformation: Understanding and Overcoming daily life conflicts
Tutor: Naakow Grant-Hayford – fee: €50
On-Site Tutorial: Solution Oriented Conflict Analysis: The Method
On-Site Tutorial: Solution Oriented Conflict Analysis: Applying the method, Focus on case studies
Framework: 5-days and weekend courses and tutorials at the Galtung-Institut in Grenzach-Wyhlen
(Germany). Each course/tutorial can be combined with each online-course from the Transcend
Peace University. The on-site courses and tutorials can also be attended without enrolling in
an online-course.
Contact: Galtung Institut
TPU Executive Secretary Karoline Weber:
The Transcend Peace University TPU is an all-online university, currently headed by Prof. Dr. Johan Galtung. Our inter-disciplinary courses are designed to cover issues pertaining to peace and development studies. TPU seeks to promote trans-border, inter-disciplinary peace studies, and make them accessible to as wide a community as possible. For this, we opted for an online format. Recently, corresponding tutorials and courses on-site can be attended at the associated Galtung-Institut in Germany.
The Galtung-Institut for Peace Theory and Peace Practice (G.I.) is a reflection of the program of TRANSCEND International and is the on-site carrier of the TRANSCEND Peace University (TPU) program, offering on-site tutorials on Conflict Transformation during the TPU-terms in Grenzach-Wyhlen in Germany.
The G.I. is a multilingual, independent research- resource- and study-center for peace founded in May 2011 by Prof. Galtung, his three assistants, two professors of peace and conflict studies, two former representatives of the U.N and a former representative of the Goethe-Institut. The G.I. is proud to be related to TRANSCEND International the premier global network of specialists working for Peace, Development and Environment by peaceful, developmental and environmental means.
Galtung-Institut für Friedenstheorie und -praxis
Markgrafenstrasse 42a, 79639 Grenzach-Wyhlen,
Tel. 0049 (0)7624 912138,
Posted in english, Friedensarbeit, Friedensbewegung, Friedensforschung, Friedenskultur, Friedenspädagogik, Termine