Stellt die Friedensfragen!

Transcend Peace University

Erstellt am 08.07.2011 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 5305 mal gelesen und am 09.07.2011 zuletzt geändert.
Call for Applications for the Summer School 2011 18.7-2.9.11 

Transcend Peace University and
the Galtung-Institut for Peace Theory and Peace Practice

Professional Trainings – online & on-site
Term: July 18th – September 2nd – 2011 

Addressed to: Advanced students, post-graduates, government and non-government pracitioners.


Enrollment: You can enroll online, for this purpose please click on one of the courses.
For Further information please visit for the online-courses and for the onsite-courses in Germany


Online courses:

18.07.2011 – 26.08.2011
Fee: OECD€300

Online Course: An Introduction to Galtungism

Course Instructor: Professor Johan Galtung

18.07.2011 – 26.08.2011
Fee: OECD€300

Online Course: The „Arab Spring“ & the Use of NonViolence

Course Instructor: Dr. Jørgen Johansen

18.07.2011 – 26.08.2011
Fee: OECD€300

Online Course: The Challenges of Democracy and Constructing Just Peace

Course Instructor: Professor Paul D Scott

Framework: 6-week all online courses offered by the Transcend Peace University supplemented by
corresponding on-site tutorials for those who wish to call in or partake in the tutorials and
courses offered at the Galtung-Institut in Germany; designed for fully-employed participants
and students, combining autonomous work,
exchange with participants from all over the world
constant feedback from highly experienced course instructors.

On-site courses at the Galtung-Institut in Grenzach-Wyhlen/ Southern Germany:

On-site Course: Peace as a Selfregulating System

Course Instructor: Professor Dietrich Fischer – fee: €150
On-Site Course: Strengthening the UN System

Course Instructor: Professor Dietrich Fischer – fee: €150On-Site Tutorial: Conflict Theory: Simple, Complex & Structural Conflict Formations

Tutor: Karoline Weber – fee: €50

On-Site Tutorial: Conflict Transformation: Understanding and Overcoming daily life conflicts

Tutor: Erika Degortes – fee: €50On-Site Tutorial: Epistemology of peace studies 

Tutor: Naakow Grant-Hayford – fee: €50

On-Site Tutorial: Solution Oriented Conflict Analysis: The Method

Tutor: Naakow Grant-Hayford – fee: €50

On-Site Tutorial: Solution Oriented Conflict Analysis: Applying the method, Focus on case studies

Tutor: Naakow Grant-Hayford – fee: €50

: 5-days and weekend courses and tutorials at the Galtung-Institut in Grenzach-Wyhlen
(Germany). Each course/tutorial can be combined with each online-course from the Transcend
Peace University. The on-site courses and tutorials can also be attended without enrolling in
an online-course.

Contact:  Galtung Institut
TPU Executive Secretary Karoline Weber:

The Transcend Peace University TPU is an all-online university, currently headed by Prof. Dr. Johan Galtung. Our inter-disciplinary courses are designed to cover issues pertaining to peace and development studies. TPU seeks to promote trans-border, inter-disciplinary peace studies, and make them accessible to as wide a community as possible. For this, we opted for an online format. Recently, corresponding tutorials and courses on-site can be attended at the associated Galtung-Institut in Germany.

The Galtung-Institut for Peace Theory and Peace Practice (G.I.) is a reflection of the program of TRANSCEND International and is the on-site carrier of the TRANSCEND Peace University (TPU) program, offering on-site tutorials on Conflict Transformation during the TPU-terms in Grenzach-Wyhlen in Germany.

The G.I. is a multilingual, independent research- resource- and study-center for peace founded in May 2011 by Prof. Galtung, his three assistants, two professors of peace and conflict studies, two former representatives of the U.N and a former representative of the Goethe-Institut. The G.I. is proud to be related to TRANSCEND International  the premier global network of specialists working for Peace, Development and Environment by peaceful, developmental and environmental means.



Galtung-Institut für Friedenstheorie und -praxis
Markgrafenstrasse 42a, 79639 Grenzach-Wyhlen,
Tel. 0049 (0)7624 912138,



Posted in english, Friedensarbeit, Friedensbewegung, Friedensforschung, Friedenskultur, Friedenspädagogik, Termine

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