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Peace Museums Worldwide

Erstellt am 21.06.2011 von Monika Prohaska
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Below is a list of mainly books and articles on peace museums.

  • Publications issued by (or about) individual peace museums are largely excluded;
  • such publications should be looked for on the website of museums concerned.
  • Older publications (dating from before World War II) are also excluded.
  • Virtually all references are in English – only a few in other languages (French, German, Dutch).
  • For the extensive literature on peace museums in Japanese, readers are advised to consult Japanese sources.

The bibliography consists of five sections:

  1. directories of peace museums;
  2. general newsletters about peace museums;
  3. reports & proceedings of conferences of peace museums;
  4. books, chapters, and articles about peace museums;
  5. academic theses and dissertations.

The bibliography is not exhaustive and information about omissions (also in languages other than English) will be gratefully received.


Peace Museums Worldwide. Geneva: United Nations Library, 1995, pp. 72 [United Nations Publications on Peace; League of Nations Archives, Geneva, in Association with the Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford]

Peace Museums Worldwide. Geneva: United Nations Library, 1998, pp. IX, 79 {+ Annex, pp. 162] [United Nations Publications on Peace; League of Nations Archives, Geneva, in Association with the Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford] [2nd ed.]
Exhibition of Peace-related Museums in Japan. Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan University, 1998, pp. 40
Bennett, James Richard. Peace Movement Directory: North American Organizations, Programs, Museums and Memorials. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2001, pp. 310.


  • Newsletter, International Network of Peace Museums. No. 1, May 1993 – No. 15, October 2002. Ed. Shireen Shah & Peter van den Dungen (nos. 1-3); Peter van den Dungen (nos. 4-15). [Published by Give Peace a Chance Trust, Hertford, UK; Editorial Office: Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, UK] [Publication suspended; Newsletter available as pdf file from this website].
  • Muse, Newsletter of the Japanese Network of Museums for Peace. Ed. Kazuyo Yamane. Published at: – Grassroots House Peace Museum, Kochi (no. 1, July 1999 – no. 5, October 2001); – Kyoto Museum for World Peace at Ritsumeikan University (no. 6, December 2001 – no. 14 , 2006); – Center of the Tokyo Raids and War Damages (no. 15, 2006 – ). Starting with issue no. 17, November 2007, the subtitle has been changed to: ‚Japanese Citizens‘ Network of Museums for Peace‘ (a more accurate translation of the original Japanese name).


  • Report of International Conference of Peace Museums. Osaka: Osaka International Peace Foundation, 1991.
  • Bringing Peace to People: Meeting of Directors and Staff of Peace and Anti-War Museums and Related Institutions Worldwide 10-12 September 1992. Hertford: Give Peace a Chance Trust, 1993, pp. 38.
  • Exhibiting Peace: The Proceedings of the Third International Conference of Peace Museums. November 6-10, 1998, Osaka and Kyoto, Japan. Kyoto: Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan University, 1999, pp. 244.
  • Museums for Peace: A Contribution to Remembrance, Reconciliation, Art and Peace. 5th International Museums for Peace Conference Papers. Guernica- Lumo, 1-7 May 2005. Ed. Iratxe Momoitio Astorkia. Gernika-Lumo: Gernika Peace Museum Foundation, 2006, pp. 479. 4.


(Deutsch, Franz).

  • Ein Landeplatz fuer Friedenstauben‚, pp. 165-175 in Baerbl Glaeser, Hoffnung in kuehler Zeit. Lebensgeschichten von Preistraegerinnen und Preistraegern des ‚Solidaritaetspreises der Linzer Kirchenzeitung‘. Gruenbach (Austria): Edition sandkorn/Buchverlag Franz Steinmassl,1998.
  • Duffy, Terence. ‚The Environment for Peace Education: The Peace Museum Idea‘, pp. 7-16 in Ake Bjerstedt, ed., Peace Museums, op. cit. Also available as Peace Education Miniprints (Malmo: School of Education), no. 48, October 1993, pp. 12, and pp. 3-12 in Peace, Environment and Education, Winter 1993, no. 14.
  • Duffy, Terence. ‚The Peace Museum Concept‘, pp. 4-8 in Museum International (Paris: UNESCO), no. 177, vol. XLV, no. 1, 1993 (Entire Issue is ‚Dossier: Museums of War and Peace‘).
  • Duffy, Terence. ‚Exhibiting Peace‘, pp. 487-493 in Peace Review, vol. 5, no. 4, Winter 1993.
  • Duffy, Terence. ‚Peace Museums: Keeping the Peace‚, pp. 19-22 in Museums Journal, vol. 97, no. 1, January 1997.
  • Duffy, Terence et al. ‚Museums for Peace & Harmony‚, in ICOM News: Quarterly Newsletter of the International Council of Museums, vol. 53, no. 1, 2000 (special issue).
  • Dull, Christine. ‚How About a Peace Museum?‚, p. 10 in FOR Witness, Summer 2007.
  • Friedensmuseum und Erasmus von Rotterdam‚, p. 26 in Friedens-Forum, December 1996, no. 6-7.
  • Haener, Urs, ed. Friedenstauben und Krupp-Kanonen: 100 Jahre Internationales Kriegs- und Friedensmuseum Luzern. Lucerne: Luzernernetz Arbeit und Bildung fuer alle (LABA), 2002, pp. 56.
  • Hainzl, Manfred. ‚Vom Antiken Tempel der Musen zum Friedensmuseum des 21. Jahrhunderts‚, pp. 14-18 in Friedens-Forum, vol. 11, no. 6-7, December 1997.
  • Ionesov, Anatoly. ‚The International Museum of Peace and Solidarity: History of its foundation, sphere of activities, and prospects for development‘, pp. 7-14 in Peace Museums Worldwide (1998), op. cit.
  • Irwin, Michael. ‚A Peace Museum?‘, pp. 311-312 in Medicine and War, vol. 6, no. 4, October-December 1990.
  • Irwin, Michael. Peace Museums. 1991, pp. 4.
  • Kariuki, John. ‚New in Africa’s Search for Lasting Peace: A Museum‘, in The East African, July 13-19, 1998.
  • Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan University‘. Special Feature article in Ritsumeikan University Newsletter, vol. 1, issue 3, Summer 2005, pp. 7-8.
  • Lehmann, R. ‚Das Erste Europaeische Friedensmuseum‚, pp. 3-6 in Pax Christi (Frankfurt), vol. 5, 1981.
  • Loessbroek, Gerard. ‚Vredesmusea, een bezoek waard‚, p. 24 in VredesTertsPeriodiek (Vredescentrum Technische Universiteit Eindhoven), vol. 17, no. 47, November 2007.
  • Mehdi, Syed Sikander. ‚A Peace Museum on the Wagah Border‚, pp. 116-126 in South Asian Journal, no. 10, October-December 2005.
  • Milner, Beryl & Alistair. ‚Grass Roots House – A Peace Museum‘, pp. 11-12 in The Friend, 18 February 2000.
  • Ngarm, Soth Plai. ‚Preventing Future Genocide: A Vision for [a] Peace Museum in Cambodia‘, pp. 37-46 in Ritsumeikan Kokusai Kenkyu/The Ritsumeikan Journal of International Studies, vol. 18, no. 3, March 2006 (‚Special Festschrift Dedicated to Professor Ikuro Anzai‘).
  • Perissere, Michele. ‚Memorial: Ein Museum fuer den Frieden in Caen‚, pp.
  • 193-208 in Hans-Martin Hinz, ed., Der Krieg und seine Museen. Frankfurt: Campus, 1997.
  • Philbin, Marianne & Peter Ratajczak. ‚The Chicago Peace Museum‘, pp. 9-13 in Museum International, no. 177, vol. XLV, no. 1, 1993.
  • Rank, Carol. ‚Peace Museums: Helping to Build a Culture of Peace‚, pp. 14-16 in Peace Matters, no. 28, Winter 1999/2000.
  • Ruser, Ursula-Maria. ‚Possible Concepts of Peace Museums and Related Institutions‘, pp. V-VII in Peace Museums Worldwide (1998), op. cit.
  • Somjee, Sultan.‘Material Culture, Indigenous Aesthetics and Community Peace Museums in Building Kenyan Identities Through Art Education‚ in Marion Arnold, ed., Art in Eastern Africa. Dar-es-Salaam: Mkuki na nyota, 2008 (forthcoming).
  • Spree, Tommy. Das Anti-Kriegs-Museum. Berlin, 1986.
  • Troxler, Walter, ed. War and Peace in Lucerne 2002: Programme for the 100th Anniversary of the International Museum of War and Peace. Lucerne, 2004, pp. 82.
  • Tsuboi, Chikara. ‚Peace Museums in Japan: Numbers, Visitors and Types‘, pp. 137-151 in Jinbungakkai Kiyo. Journal of the Society of Humanities (Sapporo Gakuin University), no. 52, December 1992.
  • van den Dungen, Peter. ‚The International Museum of War and Peace at Lucerne‘, pp. 185-202 in Schweizerische Zeitschrift fuer Geschichte/Revue Suisse d’Histoire/Rivista Storica Svizzera, vol. 31, no. 2, 1981.
  • van den Dungen, Peter. ‚Peace Museums‘, pp. 234-243 in Ervin Laszlo & Jong Youl Yoo, eds., World Encyclopedia of Peace. Oxford: Pergamon Press, vol. 2, 1986. See also 2n ed.: New York: Oceana Publ. and Seoul: Seoul Press, vol. 4, 1999, pp. 245-256.
  • van den Dungen, Peter. ‚Proposal for a Peace Museum in Britain: Some Observations‘, pp. 275-287 in Medicine and War, vol. 7, no. 4, October-December 1991.
  • van den Dungen, Peter (& Beverley Butler). ‚A Time for War, A Time for Peace‚, pp. 20-21 in Museums Journal, vol. 93, no. 7, July 1993.
  • van den Dungen, Peter. ‚On the Creative Principles, Message and Thematic Content of a Peace Museum‚, pp. 17-26 in Ake Bjerstedt, ed., Peace Museums,
  • op. cit. Also available as Peace Education Miniprints (Malmo: School of Education), no. 49, October 1993, pp. 12, and pp. 13-22 in Peace, Environment and Education, Winter 1993, no. 14.
  • van den Dungen, Peter. ‚Peace Museums: Recent Developments‘, pp. 218-229 in Medicine and War, vol. 10, no. 3, July-September 1994.
  • van den Dungen, Peter. ‚The Peace Museum in Bradford and Peace Museums Worldwide‘, pp. 161-169 in Carol Rank, ed., City of Peace: Bradford’s Story. Bradford: Bradford Libraries, 1997.
  • van den Dungen, Peter. ‚Peace Museums: Peaceful Future‘, p. 23 in Museums Journal, vol. 97, no. 1, January 1997.
  • van den Dungen, Peter. ‚Friedensmuseen‚, p. 29 in Friedens-Forum, vol. 11, no. 3, April 1997.
  • van den Dungen, Peter. ‚Friedensmuseen im 20. Jahrhundert‚, pp. 11-13 in Friedens-Forum, vol. 11, no. 6-7, December 1997.
  • van den Dungen, Peter. ‚Peace Museums in the Twentieth Century‚, pp. 1-6 in Peace Museums Worldwide (1998), op. cit.
  • van den Dungen, Peter. ‚Peace Museums: Why? Where?‘, pp. 12-14 in New Zealand Friends‘ Newsletter, vol. 81, no. 9, October 1998.
  • van den Dungen, Peter. ‚Peace Education: Peace Museums‘, pp. 691-703 in Lester Kurtz, ed., Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, vol. 2, 1999.
  • van den Dungen, Peter. ‚Preventing Catastrophe: The World’s First Peace Museum‚, pp. 23-36 in Ritsumeikan Kokusai Kenkyu/The Ritsumeikan Journal of International Studies, op. cit.
  • Vinas, Maria. ‚Peace Museums‘, p. 6 in Information Paper: Letter of Peace Addressed to the UN. (Barcelona), no. 51, October 2007.
  • Vogt, Wolfgang R. ‚Europaeisches Museum fuer Frieden: Vision – Konzeption – Realisation. Ein friedenswissenschaftliches Expose‚, pp. 5-10 in Friedensforum, vol. 11, no. 6-7, December 1997.
  • Vogt, Wolfgang R. ‚A European Museum for Peace‘, pp. 1-6 in AFB-Info/Newsletter of the Peace Research Information Unit Bonn, no. 1, 1998.
  • Wechs, Thomas. Friedensmuseum Katalog. Augsburg, 3rd ed., 1987.
  • Yamane, Kazuyo. ‚A Peace Museum as a Center for Peace Education: What do Japanese Students Think of Peace Museums?‘, pp. 27-39 in Ake Bjerstedt, ed., Peace Museums, op. cit. Also available as Peace Education Miniprints (Malmo: School of Education), no. 50, October 1993, pp. 15, and pp. 23-35 in Peace, Environment and Education, Winter 1993, no. 14, and as a chapter, pp. 307-319 in R. Burns & R. Aspeslagh, eds., Three Decades of Peace Education Around the World: An Anthology. New York: Garland, 1996.
  • Yamane, Kazuyo. ‚Local Efforts for Creating Nonviolent Futures: A Case of Kochi, Japan‘, pp. 46-49 in Social Alternatives (Australia, University of Queensland), vol. 15, no. 3, July 1996.
  • Yamane, Kazuyo. ‚Creating Teaching Materials for Peace Education at Grass Roots House Peace Museum in Kochi, Japan‘, pp. 7-11 in Peace Studies Newsletter (Tokyo: Peace Studies Association of Japan), no. 16, November 1996.
  • Yamane, Kazuyo. ‚Creating a Culture of Peace at a Peace Museum‚, pp. 245-256 in Leena Parmar, ed., World Peace and Disarmament. Jaipur: Pointer Publ., 2003.
  • Yamane, Kazuyo. ‚Peace Museums and Peace Studies in Japan‚, pp. 50-57 in Journal of Nanjing University, vol. 42, no. 2, 2005.
  • Yamane, Kazuyo. ‚Japanese Peace Museums: Education and Reconciliation‚, pp. 85-113 in Alan Hunter, ed., Peace Studies in the Chinese Century: International Perspectives. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006.
  • Yamane, Kazuyo. ‚Controversial Exhibitions at Peace Museums in Japan‘, pp. 47-60 in Ritsumeikan Kokusai Kenkyu/The Ritsumeikan Journal of International Studies, op. cit.
  • Ninuma, Yuji. Memory and History: Peace Museum for Millennium Peace. Bradford: University of Bradford, Department of Peace Studies, MA Dissertation, 1998, pp. 78.
  • Shah, Shireen. A National Museum for Peace: A Proposal. Bradford: University of Bradford, Department of Peace Studies, MA
  • Dissertation, 1990, pp. 89.
  • Yamane, Kazuyo. Peace Museums in Japan: The Controversial Exhibits on Japan’s Aggression at Peace Museums and Citizens‘ Efforts for Peace and Reconciliation. Bradford: University of Bradford, Department of Peace Studies, PhD Thesis, 2006, pp. 325.

Posted in Friedensbewegung, Friedenskultur, Friedenspädagogik, Gewaltprävention, Global, Jobs, Peacebuilding, Rezension, Tipp

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