Stellt die Friedensfragen!

Kritische Stimmen zu Lynch und seiner Werbung für Frieden

Erstellt am 28.03.2011 von Andreas Hermann Landl
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Gestern sah ich den erschütternden Film „David wants to fly“. David Sievekings hat einen bizarren aber sehr erhellenden Dokumentarfilm über David Lynch, die Transzendentale Meditation und ihre angeblich friedenbringende Wirkung gedreht. Guru Maharishi der seit den 60er als von den Beatles und vielen anderer Stars verehrt wurde wird in der Dokumentation als geschäftstüchtiger und doppelmoralischer Friedenshochstapler entzaubert. Er machte ein Milliardenvermögen und kassierte Spenden von bis zu 150 Millionen Dollar von seinen Verehrern und Verehrerinnen. Er predigte Enthaltsamkeit und trieb es aber heimlich mit seinen Schülerinnen. Der Erfinder der TM hat sogar seine Lehrbefugnis für Meditation mehr oder weniger frei erfunden. 2008 starb der Mahrishi und hinterließ ein Imperium das nun langsam zerbröselt. Interessant wie selbst kluge und erfolgreiche Leute Weltanschauungen auf den Leim gehen können. Eine gesunde Skepsis sollten wir vor allem dem entgegen bringen was wir gerne glauben möchten. Selbst leichtes Befremden ist oft eine lohne Quelle der Erkenntnis.

2007 schrieb

>>Dass der österreichischen Friedensbewegung dieses Geschenk (private Friedensuniversität) ausgerechnet von einer so umstrittenen Organisation gemacht werden soll, ist mir unangenehm getreu dem Motto „Achten Sie auch in dieser Sendung auf Schleichwerbung“. <<


In this rare work of public disclosure, filmmaker David Lynch describes his personal methods of capturing and working with ideas, and the immense creative benefits he has experienced from the practice of meditation Over the last four decades, David Lynch has created some of the best-known and widely discussed screen works of our time. This distinctive writer-director’s art bears not only the mark of box-office success but also criticalacclaim and cultural posterity. Yet Lynch generally reveals little of himself, or the ideas behind his work. Now he provides a rare window into his methods as an artist and his personal working style. In „Catching the Big Fish,“ Lynch writes
candidly about the tremendous creative benefits he has gained from his thirty-two-year commitment to practicing Transcendental Meditation. In brief chapters, Lynch describes the experience of „diving within“ and
„catching“ ideas like fish-and then preparing them for television or movie screens, and other mediums in which Lynch works, such as
photography and painting. In the book’s first section, Lynch discusses the development of his ideas-where they come from, how he grasps them, and which ones appeal to him the most. He then shares his passion for „the doing“-whether moviemaking, painting, or other creative expressions. Lynch talks specifically about how he puts his thoughts into action and how he engages with others around him. Finally, he discusses the self and the surrounding world -and how the process of „diving within“ that has so deeply affected his own work can directly benefit others. „Catching the Big Fish“ provides unprecedented insight into Lynch’s methods, as it also offers a set of practical ideas thatspeak to matters of personal fulfillment, increased creativity, and greater harmony with one’s surroundings. The book comes as a revelation to the legion of fans who have longed to better understand Lynch’s deeply personal vision. And it is equally intriguing to anyone who grapples with questions such as: „Where do ideas come from?“ and „How can I nurture creativity?

Rezensionen – CATCHING THE BIG FISH – 61 – Male – Los Angeles myspace profile for CATCHING THE BIG FISH with pictures, videos, personal blog, interests, information about me and more.

Catching The Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness, Review – „Catching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity,“ recently published by Tarcher Penguin.) Variety is striving to present the most

David Lynch Catching the Big Fish: Meditation Consciousness and Catching the Big Fish: Meditation Consciousness and Creativity. David Lynch. Jeremy Tarcher / Penguin Group. US First Edition Hardcover. ISBN 1-585-42540-0

Catching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness and CreativityThe eye-opening reflections of filmmaker, David Lynch. (Art Issue, Apr/May 2007)

Book ReviewCatching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity By David Lynch. A Book Discussion at Transitions Bookplace, January 26, 2007

David Lynch: The „Inland Empire“ & „Catching the Big Fish“ Review Film
poet David Lynch frequently divides audience opinion with his
insistence on creating art and his fearless use of abstraction in his

Book Review: Catching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness and In Catching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity, David Lynch puts aside his filmic quest to get inside the viewer

Posted in Deutschland, Ethik, Europa, Friedensbewegung, Friedensgemeinde, Friedenspädagogik, Gewaltprävention, Global, Kriminalität, Menschenrecht, Österreich, Religion, Rezension, Tipp, Unfrieden, USA, Weltanschauungen, Wirtschaft, Witz & Humor, Zivilcourage