Stellt die Friedensfragen!

Transcend Peace University

Erstellt am 13.02.2011 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 2425 mal gelesen und am 13.02.2011 zuletzt geändert.

Professional Trainings – 12 week all-online courses

Term: March 7th – May 27th 2011

Addressed to: post-graduates, government- and non-government
pracitioners, also advanced students

Peace and Islam – PD Dr. Abbas Aroua
Education for Peace – Prof. Dr. H.B. Danesh
Peace Business – Prof. Frederick C. Dubee
Advanced Conflict Transformation – Prof. Johan Galtung
Nonviolence – Dr. Jørgen Johansen
Reconciliation – Dr. Joanna Santa Barbara
Peace and Democracy – Prof. Paul D. Scott
Dialogue, Negotiation and Mediation – Dr. S. P. Udayakumar
Peace, Music and the Arts – Dr. Olivier Urbain
Framework: 12-week all-online course designed for fully-employed
participants and students, combining autonomous work,
exchange with participants from all over the world and
constant feedback from highly experienced course

Fees: €250 for participants from non-OECD countries
€500 for participants from OECD-countries

Enrollment: You can enroll online, for further information click here

Contact: Transcend Peace University
Executive Secretary Karoline Weber

The Transcend Peace University TPU is an all-online university, currently headed by Prof. Dr. Johan Galtung. Our inter-disciplinary courses are designed to cover issues pertaining to peace and development studies. TPU seeks to promote inter-disciplinary peace studies, and make them accessible to as wide a community as possible. For this, we opted for an online format.
As specialists in this domain, we emphasize solution-oriented approaches. Our faculty members are leading peace scholars and internationally recognized mediators. The purpose of TPU, the educational institute of TRANSCEND, is to impart to our participants the knowledge and skills required for professional peace and development work.
TPU equips its participants with analytical and practical competence in conflict-transformation and -resolution. Our methodology draws from more than fifty years of knowledge provided by distinguished researchers and practitioners from all over the world. Imagine studying medicine with Hippocrates, geometry with Euclid, economics with Adam Smith or psychoanalysis with Sigmund Freud.
Please visit for further information.

Karoline Weber
– Transcend Peace University –
Schwanallee 29
35037 Marburg

phone: +49-(0)6421-1769885
mobile: +49-(0)1520-3921434


Posted in Friedensarbeit, Friedensbewegung, Friedenspädagogik, Friedenspolitik

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