Stellt die Friedensfragen!

Wikileaks and Julian Assange nominated for the Leif Eiriksson Peace Award

Erstellt am 10.12.2010 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 4575 mal gelesen und am 11.12.2010 zuletzt geändert.

„An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation,
nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.“
Mohandas Gandhi

The Peace 2000 Institute seeks your endorsement for awarding Wikileaks and its founder Julian Assange the Leif Eiriksson Peace Award.


Wikileaks and Julian Assange nominated for the Leif Eiriksson Peace Award

The third recipient of the Leif Eiriksson Peace Award will be Wikileaks and its founder Julian Assange if sufficient number of signatories support the nomination launched today by the Peace 2000 Institute

More than 3000 peace groups around the world are invited to sign the nomination.

  • Wikileaks is one of the most important peace initiatives we have seen in our livetime“ says Thor Magnusson founder of the Peace 2000 Institute that was founded in Reykjavik in 1995 with more than 1000 individuals and 100 organizations from around the world.
  • Wikileaks is helping create foundations for functional democracy and world peace by exposing widespread corruption in international politics and business.

For too long humanity has been manipulated by powerful politicians and business leaders.

Only the truth will set us free and clear the path towards a peaceful global society built on justice, human rights and mutual respect.

With the nomination of the Leif Eiriksson Peace Award to Wikileaks and its founder, we want

  • to show our solidarity in defending the freedom of speech.
  • We condemn any attempts by governments and the financial community to silence Wikileaks.

„We understand what Wikileaks and its founder are going through right now.
They need the immediate recognition and support of all peace activists around the world“

says Thor Magnusson who like the Wikileaks founder spent time in jail for publishing the truth.

In nóvember 2002

  • the Peace2000 founder was arrested and spent a week in jail for warning against Icelandic government plans to support the invasion into Iraq by lending civil aircraft to move troops and weapons.
  • Internet connections of Peace2000 in Iceland were disconnected, police stormed its offices and removed all computers.
  • More than 10,000 protest letters demanding the release of the Peace2000 founder arrived in Iceland.
  • He was eventually freed by the Icelandic Superior Court.

Go to this website it you want to endorse the nomination of the Leif Eiriksson Peace Award to Wikileaks and Julian Assange:

or on Facebook here:

Thor Magnusson
Peace 2000 Institute
Reykjavik ICELAND

You can also

  • forward this Post/Story/Press Release to your media list.
  • forward it to the members of your organization and
  • offer them to participate in the nomination.

Posted in Conversion, english, Ethik, Friedensarbeit, Friedensbewegung, Friedensexport, Friedensforschung, Friedensjournalismus, Friedenskultur, Friedensorganisation, Friedenspädagogik, Friedenspolitik, Friedensstifter, Gewaltprävention, Global, Menschenrecht, Peacebuilding

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