Stellt die Friedensfragen!

Alexander Marschik – Curriculum vitae – Austrian Ministry for European and International Affairs

Erstellt am 01.11.2010 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 7451 mal gelesen und am 08.11.2010 zuletzt geändert.

Master and doctor of law at the University of Vienna, Austria.

Further studies at:

  • Université de la Sorbonne (Paris I), France (1990),
  • Hague Academy of International Law, the Netherlands (1991),
  • Academy of European Law at the European University Institute, Italy (1993),
  • Visiting Scholar at Stanford University, California, USA, (1994).


1989 – 1996:             Assistant Professor at the Institute of International Law and International

Relations of the University of Vienna, Austria.

1990 – 1998:             Lecturer of International Law at the University of Vienna.

1996:                         Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs; EU-Department.

1997:                        First Secretary at the Austrian Mission to the United Nations in Geneva.

1997 – 1999:             Head of General-Affairs-Council Unit in the EU-Division, Austrian MFA

1999 – 2003:             Legal and Political Counsellor at the Austrian Mission to the United Nations in

New York.

2003 – 2007:             Deputy Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations.

Since 2007:            Ambassador; Director for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation

at the Austrian Ministry for European and International Affairs


2001 – 2002:             Vice-Chairman of the 6th Committee (Legal) of the 56th UN-General Assembly.

2002 – 2005:           Rapporteur of the Assembly of States Parties to the International Criminal Court.

2007-2010:           Head of Austrian Delegation to several Disarmament Conferences

2010:           Chairman of Subsidiary Body 1 (Nuclear Disarmament) at the NPT-Review Conference 2010

Publications (extract):

  • Subsystems in International Law – Is the European Union a “self-contained regime”? (1997). (Doctoral thesis; in German).
  • The Politics of Prosecution: European National Approaches to War Crimes, in McCormack/Simpson (eds.), The Law of War: National and International Approaches, Kluwer Law International (1997), 65-101.
  • Too much order? – The Impact of Special Secondary Norms on the Unity and Efficacy of the International System, European Journal of International Law 9 (1998), 212-239.
  • The United Nations’ Response to International Terrorism, in Heere (ed.), From Government to Governance, TMC Asser Press (2004).
  • Legislative Powers of the Security Council, in Macdonald/Johnston (eds.), Towards World Constitutionalism: Issues in the Legal Ordering of the World Community (2005), 457-492.
  • Hard Law Strikes back – How the recent focus on the rule of law promotes compliance with norms in international relations, in Buffard/Crawford/Pellet/Wittich (eds), International Law between Universalism and Fragmentation (2008), 61-84.
  • The Administration of Arms Control: Ensuring Accountability and Legitimacy of Field Operations, International Organizations Law Review 6 (2009), 627-653.

Posted in Abrüstung, Friedensbewegung, Friedensforschung, Friedensorganisation, Friedenspädagogik, Friedenspolitik, Gewaltprävention, Global, Österreich, Termine, Tipp, Wien

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