Stellt die Friedensfragen!

UNO Uniformed Peacekeeping Dominates and Needs Reforms

Erstellt am 07.08.2010 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 2988 mal gelesen und am 07.08.2010 zuletzt geändert.


Peacekeeping Operations since 1948: 63
Current Peacekeeping Operations: 15
Current peace operations directed and supported by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations: 16

Wikipedia: „In response to criticism, particularly of the cases of sexual abuse by peacekeepers, the UN has taken steps toward reforming its operations. The Brahimi Report was the first of many steps to recap former peacekeeping missions, isolate flaws, and take steps to patch these mistakes to ensure the efficiency of future peacekeeping missions.

The UN has vowed to continue to put these practices into effect when performing peacekeeping operations in the future. The technocratic aspects of the reform process have been continued and revitalised by the DPKO in its ‚Peace Operations 2010′ reform agenda. The 2008 capstone doctrine entitled „United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: Principles and Guidelines[2] incorporates and builds on the Brahimi analysis.“

For more information


Uniformed personnel* xxxxx xxxxx
Including 84,563 troops; 13,500 police and 2,245 military observers
Countries contributing uniformed personnel
International civilian personnel* (31 May 2010) x
Local civilian personnel* (31 May 2010) x
UN Volunteers*
Total number of personnel serving in 15 peacekeeping operations*
122,745 xxxxx xxxxx xx
Total number of personnel serving in 16 DPKO-led peace operations**
Total number of fatalities in peace operations since 1948*** 2,813***

Financial Aspects

Approved resources for the period from 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011
About 7.26 billion
Estimated total cost of operations from 1948 to 30 June 2010
About $69 billion
Outstanding contributions to peacekeeping (31 May 2010)
About $1.37 billion

*Numbers include 15 peacekeeping operations only. Statistics for the special political and/or peacebuilding mission-UNAMA – directed and supported by DPKO can be found at
**This figure includes the total number of uniformed and civilian personnel serving in 15 peacekeeping operations and one DPKO-led special political and/or peacebuilding missions-UNAMA.
***Includes fatalities for all UN peace operations.

Since May 1948
United Nations Truce Supervision Organization
Strength: military observers 153; international civilian 89; local civilian 121
Fatalities: 50
Appropriation 2010-2011: $60,704,800 (gross)

Since January 1949
United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan
Strength: military observers 44; international civilian 23; local civilian 48
Fatalities: 11
Appropriation 2010-2011: $16,146,000 (gross)

Since March 1964
United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus
Strength: troops 858; police 69; international civilian 40; local civilian 111
Fatalities: 180
Approved budget 07/10–06/11: $58,156,300 (gross) including voluntary contributions of one third from Cyprus and $6.5 million from Greece

Since June 1974
United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
Strength: troops 1,037; international civilian 38; local civilian 105
Fatalities: 43
Approved budget 07/10–06/11: $47,806,900 (gross)

Since March 1978
United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
Strength: troops 11,453; international civilian 313; local civilian 653

Fatalities: 288
Approved budget 07/10–06/11: $518,710,200 (gross)

Since April 1991
United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara
Strength: troops 20; military observers 206; police 6; international civilian 96; local civilian 161; UN volunteer 20
Fatalities: 15
Approved budget 07/10–06/11: $60,038,500 (gross)

Since June 1999
United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo
Strength: military observers 8; police 6; international civilian 140; local civilian 277; UN volunteer 26
Fatalities: 54
Approved budget 07/10–06/11: $47,874,400 (gross)

Since November 1999
United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Strength: troops 18,653; military observers 704; police 1,229; international civilian 982; local civilian 2,727; UN volunteer 638
Fatalities: 160
Approved budget 07/10–06/11: $1,369,000,000 (gross)

Since September 2003
United Nations Mission in Liberia
Strength: troops 7,810; military observers 133; police 1,364; international civilian 436; local civilian 993; UN volunteer 215
Fatalities: 146
Approved budget 07/10–06/11: $524,052,800 (gross)

Since April 2004
United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire
Current strength: troops 7,191; military observers 192; police 1,140; international civilian: 398; local civilian 755; UN volunteer 292
Fatalities: 67
Approved budget 07/10–06/11: $485,078,200 (gross)

Since June 2004
United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti
Current strength: troops 8,609; police 2,969; international civilian 473; local civilian 1,235; UN volunteer 203
Fatalities: 158
Approved budget 07/10–06/11: $380,000,000 (gross)

Since March 2005
United Nations Mission in the Sudan
Current strength: troops 9,441; military observers 497; police 676; international civilian 868; local civilian 2,688; UN volunteer 395
Fatalities: 54
Approved budget 07/10–06/11: $938,000,000 (gross)

Since August 2006
United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste
Current strength: military observers 32; police 1,434; international civilian 354; local civilian 907; UN volunteer 172
Fatalities: 9
Approved budget 07/10–06/11: $206,311,600

Since July 2007
African Union/United Nations Hybrid operation in Darfur
Current strength: troops 17,018; military observers 251; police 4,418; international civilian 1,124; local civilian 2,626; UN volunteer 429
Authorized strength: troops 19,315; military observers 240; police 6,432; international civilian 1,579; local civilian 3,455; UN volunteer 548
Fatalities: 66
Approved budget 07/10–06/11: $1,808,127,500 (gross)

Since September 2007
United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad
Current strength: troops 2,473; military observers 24; police 189; international civilian 431; local civilian 597; UN volunteer 157
Fatalities: 6
Approved budget 07/10–06/11: $215,000,000


UNTSO and UNMOGIP are funded from the United Nations regular biennial budget.

Costs to the United Nations of the other current operations are financed from their own separate accounts on the basis of legally binding assessments on all Member States. For these missions, budget figures are for one year (07/10-06/11) unless otherwise specified.

For information on United Nations political missions, see DPI/2166/Rev.85
also available on the web at
Published by the United Nations Department of Public Information — DPI/1634/Rev.110 — July 2010 Peacekeeping UN Home



Posted in english, Friedensarbeit, Friedensforschung, Friedensorganisation, Friedenspädagogik, Gewaltprävention, Global, Peacebuilding

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