Stellt die Friedensfragen!

Committee on Peace Vienna Commemoration

Erstellt am 21.07.2010 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 8719 mal gelesen und am 22.07.2010 zuletzt geändert.

The NGO Committee on Peace, Vienna and the United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna,
In cooperation with Ms. YUKO GULDA have the pleasure to invite in commemoration of the destruction of HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI in August 1945 to the Commemorative Ceremony

GENBAKU NO HI 8.8. with a call for a ban of all nuclear weapons

on Monday, 9 August 2010, at 12.30 pm
at the Vienna International Centre, Rotunda


I. Welcome Remarks

Maher Nasser, Director United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna

II. Speakers

Annika Thunborg, Chief Public Information Section, Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive
Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO)

Representative of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

III. Closing Statement

Klaus Renoldner, Chairperson NGO Committee on Peace Vienna, Representative of International
Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW)

IV. Japanese Tea Ceremony

performed by Yuko Gulda, introductory remarks by Claudia Hirtl

V. Release of balloons in the Memorial Plaza

VI. Ringing of the Peace Bell

Moderator: Gertraud Führer

Guests are welcome!

A ground pass is required to enter Vienna International Centre (VIC).
If you do not have a permanent pass, please mail your name to
not later than 5 August.
A list of participants will then be at the main gate of the VIC and upon
showing a personal document you will be issued a ground pass.

Recipients of this invitation who would like to attend the ceremony are requested
to present this invitation and their identity document at Gate 1 of the VIC.

The VIC, 1220 Wien, Wagramerstrasse 5, is best reached by U1 (Kaisermühlen).


Posted in Abrüstung, english, Europa, Friedensbewegung, Friedenskultur, Global, Österreich, Peacebuilding, Russland, Termine, Tipp, Unfrieden, USA

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