Stellt die Friedensfragen!

Birth of the Black European Women’s Council

Erstellt am 28.05.2010 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 5801 mal gelesen und am 28.05.2010 zuletzt geändert.


Birth of the Black European Women’s Council

Date: Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Time: 15.00 hours
Place: Vienna International Centre, M-Building,
Room M OE 27


Ms. Beatrice Achaleke

Beatrice Achaleke is organiser and conference manager of the World
Diversity Leadership Summit Europe, Founding Executive Director of
AFRA – International Center for Black Women’s Perspectives
(, Initiator of the 1st Black European
Women’s Congress, Vienna 2007 and of the Black European
Women’s Council (
In 2008 she was the first Black Woman to stand for parliamentary
elections in Austria. Furthermore, she is the formal President of
ENARA – European Network Against Racism Austria.

Ms. Achaleke has many years of training experience in the fields of:
diversity management, intercultural communication, lobbying and
networking, mentorship programms, anti-racism, migration and intergration,
minorities and community empowerment as well as development policies.
Beatrice Achaleke studied Sociology at the University of Vienna.

She was honoured with the MIA Award 2008 for her humanitarian and social
engagement. In September 2008 she received the Official and Honorary
Decoration of the Federal Republic of Austria for her commitment to
Intercultural Dialogue and in March 2009 she was honoured with the Miriam
Makeba African Diva Award for her engagement in the Empowerment of Black
Women in Europe. In September 2009 she was honoured with the World
Diversity Innovation Award from the World Diversity Leadership Council in
Washington DC. The previous award winner of the prize was the former
president of the Czech Republic Vaclav Havel.

Beatrice Achaleke is initiator of several award-winning projects in Austria.
She is author of several articles on the above-mentioned topics and a frequent
keynote speaker in Europe and on Austrian broadcasting programs.

She is the publisher of the book “Voices of Black European Women 1,
challenges, reflections and strategies from the Vienna Congress”.
Beatrice Achaleke is mother of two children.

Beatrice Achaleke is the initiator and conference manager of the World
Diversity Leadership Summit Europe, 2010, taking place in Vienna

Guests are welcome!

A ground pass is required to enter Vienna International Centre (VIC).
If you do not have a permanent pass, please mail your name to
not later than 6 June!
A list of participants will then be at the main gate of
the VIC and upon showing a personal document you will be issued a ground pass.

Recipients of this invitation who would like to attend the meeting are requested
to present this invitation and their identity document at Gate 1 of the VIC.

The VIC, 1220 Wien, Wagramerstrasse 5, is best reached by U 1 (Kaisermühlen)


Posted in english, Ethik, Friedensarbeit, Friedensbewegung, Friedenskultur, Friedensorganisation, Friedenspädagogik, Friedenspolitik, Friedensstifterin, Menschenrecht, Termine, Tipp, Wien, Zivilcourage

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