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Reinforcing the Non-Proliferation Treaty

Erstellt am 08.02.2010 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 3256 mal gelesen und am 08.02.2010 zuletzt geändert. permanet MISSION OF MONGOLIA TO THE UNITED NATIONS VIENNA invits to a Round-table discussion

„Reinforcing the NPT: challenges and opportunities“

Tuesday, February 16,2010

(Vienna International Center, M building, Conference Room M2)

Mongolia pursues an active foreign policy aimed at promoting peace, security and cooperation among all the nations of the international community irrespective of their size, might or political orientation. Since its membership in the United Nations almost 50 years ago and subsequently other universal and regional organizations, Mongolia has been striving not to be an object of international relations but to play an active role in addressing the challenges of this growing interconnected and globalizing world.
Having become party to many multilateral treaties and conventions, it tries to fulfill its commitments and reports thereon in accordance with the accepted practices and procedures. It tries to play an active role within the United Nations system by sponsoring or co-sponsoring resolutions aimed at addressing concrete issues which cover broad areas, including disarmament, basic rights of peoples, human rights, literacy, gender equality, rights of rural women, rights of land-locked countries, cooperative movement, etc.
In the area of international security and disarmament, during the height of the Cold war Mongolia proposed and the United Nations accepted annual observance of the Disarmament week in October that reported thereon to the United Nations General Assembly. Since 1999 Mongolia has been increasingly participating in United Nations peacekeeping operations and has proposed a PKO training center on its territory. In 1992 Mongolia declared its territory a nuclear­ weapon-free zone and has since been working to institutionalize that status so that its territory will not be used by any state in any way and under any circumstances to threaten others or peace and security. The proposed round-table discussion (RID) is in line with the above-mentioned active policy of Mongolia to promote in every way the spirit of understanding and cooperation among the members ofthe international community.
The objective of the RTD is to provide an opportunity for its participants to freely exchange information or share views on some ofthe issues that the 2010 NPT Review conference would be addressing in May. It will have an informal format and does not pretend in any way to dub nor reflect the work of the preparatory committee or other formal or informal meetings connected with the preparations for the Conference. Hence the RTD is not intended to cover all aspects of the issue to be considered at the Conference. However, participants may raise issues as they see fit and might be helpful for better understanding them.
It is to be hoped that the RTD would provide an opportunity to better understand the issues, their depth and breadth.
The RTD will first focus on still the little known issue of the importance of national legislationin complementing the efforts aimed at promoting the objectives of disarmament and non­ proliferation, fuller implementation of the existing international principles and norms, and the opportunities that international organizations offer in this regard.
Then the RTD would proceed to exchange of views and discussion on preparations for the NPT Review Conference. The final panel will provide an opportunity to be briefed on the preparations for the Second Conference of States Parties and Signatories that Establish Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones and Mongolia, which is to be held just prior to the NPT Review conference, as well as to exchange ofviews on its preparations and possible contribution to the NPT conference.
In keeping with the modest objective of limiting to exchange of views, the RTD will not attempt to summarize the discussion nor produce any recommendation or statement.
Participants that do not have passes to enter the United Nations premises would be asked to inform the Mission of their interest to participate in the RTD, the organization that they represent as well as their first and last names to Ms. Rinchenmydag at
On the day of the RTD they would be required to bring a state issued photo identity in order to ensure access to the conference premises.
Permanent Mission of Mongolia Vienna, 2 February 2010

Draft as of 2 February 2010

Reinforcing the NPT: challenges and opportunities
(Tuesday, 16 February 2010)
Vienna International Center, M Building, Room M-2

09:00 – 09:30 Registration of participants
09:30 – 10:00 Opening ceremony: welcoming remarks
Permanent Representative of Mongolia
Mr. Antonio Maria Costa, Executive Director, UNODC (TBC)
Mr. Yukio Amano, Director-General, IAEA (TBC)
Mr. Tibor Toth, Executive Secretary, CTBTO (confirmed)
10:05 – 10:45 Panel discussion: National legislation regarding nuclear-free and
nuclear-weapon-free status: scope and its enforceability
Austria (confirmed)
Mongolia (confirmed)
10:45 – 11:30 Panel discussion: Legislation assistance programmes and instruments to be
11:30 – 12:00 Coffee break
12:00 – 14:00 Panel discussion: Preparations for the NPT Review Conference: issues at stake
Egypt (confirmed)
South Africa (TBC)
USA (confirmed)
Indonesia (TBC)
Ukraine (TBC)
14:00 – 14:55 Panel discussion: Preparations for the Second Conference of States Parties
and Signatories that Establish Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones and Mongolia
Chile (confirmed)
Mexico (TBC)
Mongolia (confirmed)
Kazakhstan (confirmed)
14:55 – 15:00 Closing remarks by the Permanent Representative of Mongolia


Posted in Abrüstung, Conversion, Friedensarbeit, Friedenspolitik, Gewaltprävention, Global, Österreich, Peacebuilding, Termine, Tipp, Waffenhandel, Wien

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