Stellt die Friedensfragen!

Pariser Verpflichtungen zum Schutz von Kindern gegen Rekrutierungen

Erstellt am 10.03.2007 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 2369 mal gelesen und am 25.11.2008 zuletzt geändert.„We, Ministers and representatives of countries having gathered in
Paris on 5 and 6 February 2007 to strongly reaffirm our collective
concern at the plight of children affected by armed conflict
, our
recognition of the physical, developmental, emotional, mental, social
and spiritual harm to children
resulting from the violation of their
rights during armed conflict
, and our commitment to identifying and
implementing lasting solutions to the problem of unlawful recruitment
or use of children in armed conflict

commitments [comm.]; das Bestellobligo
[finan.]  die Mittelbindungen   – Budget; das Obligo; die Verbindlichkeiten;

die Verpflichtungen


Posted in Friedenskultur