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Cyber Peacefare Conversion Links

Erstellt am 31.05.2006 von Andreas Hermann Landl
Dieser Artikel wurde 8828 mal gelesen und am 25.12.2010 zuletzt geändert.

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2600:The Hacker Quarterly

Abstracts of articles on protecting computer networks.

ACLU to spy on Echelon (Oakes).

Advanced Technology Demonstration Network (ADTnet)

Al Quaeda and Information Warfare

Alerts from the NIPC.

Anonymous communication on the Internet.

Anti-virus software.

Army Counterintelligence Online

Army dumps Microsoft, adopts Apple to avoid hackers. (Glave).

The Art of Information Warfare: Insight into the Knowledge Warrior Philosophy [An
important book]

Australian Computer Emergency Response Team (AUSCERT).

An Australian infowar site

Back Orifice: A security alert advisory.

Banks appease online terrorists. (Shelton)

Bibliography on IW.

Another bibliography on IW.

Big brother in cyberspace.

Bin Laden and steganography. (McCullagh)

Bin Laden and telecommunications.

A British information warfare site.

Buffer overflow attacks. (Rothke)

Bugging: Types of technical surveillance devices.

Building Internet Firewalls (2nd Edition) [An important book]

Bulgaria and computer viruses. (Bennahum)

Business and IW.

C2 Bibliography.

CALEA: Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act.

CALEA: Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act—Text of the act.

Canadian government report on Information Operations.

Canadian information operations. (Bourque)

Carnivore: As described by the FBI.

Carnivore: As used by the FBI.

Carnivore: FBI refuses to release details.

How Carnivore works.

Carnivore and your privacy.

Carnivore: A technical review of the system.

Carnivore and the 4th Amendment.

Carnivore FAQ. (Graham)

Carnivore as seen by the FBI.

Carnivore and the A.C.L.U.

Carnivore and congress.

Still more on Carnivore.

Carvinore can read everything.

Carnivore reviewed by the Justice Department.(McGuire)


Carnivore: How it works

Center for Secure Information Systems (CSIS).


CERT advisory mailing list.

The CERT Guide to System and Network Security Practices [An important book]

CESA (Cyberspace Electronic Security Act).

China imposes tighter controls on Internet use.

A Chinese view of IW (Pufeng)

China and cybeterrorism.

CIAC Bulletins.

The CIA, science and technology

CIPHER: Electronic newsletter of the technical committee on privacy and security
of the IEEE.

Class III information warfare: has it begun? (Schwartau)

Code Red FAQ.

Code Red worm: CERT advisory

Common criteria for information technology security.

Computer crime bibliography. (Anderson)

Computer crime categories. (Carter)

Computer crime: The Department of Justice perspective.

Computer crime: An historical survey. (Overill)

Computer crime: An introduction. (Fraser)

Computer crime laws by state.

Computer crime prevention (Interpol).

Computer crime: How the FBI investigates.

Computer crime and security survey.

Another computer crime and security survey

Computer crime sentencing guidelines. (King)

Computer crime statistics. (Thibodeau)

Computer crime: What it costs.

Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)

Computer espionage.

Cuckoo’s Egg: Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage. [An important book.]

Computer fraud and abuse act (USA).

Computer fraud: The risk to business.

Computer security F.A.Q.s.

Computer security information.

Computer security, law, and privacy a listserv.

Computer virus library

Computer virus myths and hoaxes.

Computer visus tutorial.

Computer virus warnings; How to tell the real from the hoaxes. (Ford)

Confidentiality of health-related information.

More on the confidentiality of health-related information.

Cornerstones of information warfare. (Fogleman & Widnall)

Corporations and cyber-terrorism.

Countering non-lethal information warfare. (Kluepfel)

Countering threats to information technology assets. (Lingerfelt)

Counterintelligence for the 21st century.

Covert Action Quarterly

Criminal threats to business on the Internet. (Anderson)

Critical infrastructure protection. (Presidential Decision Directive)

Critical infrastructure protection: Executive order of 16 October 2001.

Cryptographic terms: A glossary.

Cryptography and free speech. (Rosenoer)

Cryptography & Network Security: Principles & Practice [An important book]

Cryptography and privacy.

Cuba’s approach to information management. (Symmes)

Cyberattacks during the war on terrorism.

Cyber Attack: The National Protection Plan and its Privacy Implications.

Cybercrime: An example.

Hiding cybercrimes. (Denning & Baugh)

Cybercrime: State and local resources needed to fight it.

Cybercrime seminar.

Cybercrime: Civil libertarian problem with the solutions. (McCullagh)

Cybercrime, transnational crime, and intellectual property theft. (Saxton et al)

Cybercrime: New European commission.


Cyberlaw regarding hacking/cracking, viruses, and security

Cyberliberties as seen by the ACLU.

Cybernation: The American infrastructure in the information age.

The cyber-posture of the national information infrastructure. (Ware)

Cyber responsibilities. (Donahue)

Cyber scare: Overstated computer threats. (Schmidt)

Cyberspace Electronic Security Act(CESA)

More on Cyberspace Electronic Security Act (CESA).

Cyberspace & the Use of Force [An important book]




Combating Cyber Threats in the New Millennium.

Cyberterrorism. (Denning)

Cyberterrorism an evolving concept.

Cyber Terrorism and Information Warfare: Threats and Responses [An important book]

Cyberterrorism related to events of 9/11/01. (NIPC)

Cyberterrorism: Analyzing the threat.

Cyberterrorism: Case studies.

Cyberterrorism attacks expected to increase now.

Cyberterrorism — Fact or fancy? (Pollitt)

Cyberterrorism in the future. (Collin)

Cyberterrorism: Internet vulnerabilities

Cyberterrorism: An introduction

Cyberterrorism: Protecting commercial computers.

Cyberterrorism: Analyzing the threat. (Borland)

Cyberterrorism resource center.

Cyberterrorism: Various aspects. (Wade)

What is cyberterrorism? (Krasavin)

The myth of cyberterrorism. (Green)

Cyberwarfare: U.S. guidelines issued.

Cyberwar 2.0 : Myths, Mysteries & Reality [An important book]

Cyberwar 3.0 : Human Factors in Information Operations and Future Conflict [An important

Cyberwar against Bin Laden.

Cyberwar: Are we prepared?

Cyberwar: The reality.

Cyberwar in Asia? (McGuire & Williams)

Cyberwar and Israel.

More on Cyberwar: How the USA may lose. (Dunlap)

Cyberwar : Security, Strategy, and Conflict in the Information Age [An important book]

Cyberwar: US Army prepares offensive techniques. (Messmer)

More on offensive cyberwar. (Graham)

Cyberwar in the Middle East.

More on cyberwar in the Middle East

Cyber-warfare: Principles. (Parks & Duggan)

The latest on cyberwar in the Middle East

Cyberwar and netwar: New modes, old concepts, of conflict. (Arquilla & Ronfeldt)

Defending against computer attacks. (Libicki)

Defending against cyberterrorism: A Japanese view. (Miyawaki)

Defending information networks from attack. (Leopold)

Defending the USA from cyber attack. (Minihan )

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) views the future. (Fernandez)

Defecse Intelligence Agency (DIA).

Defensive information warfare. (Alberts)

Defensive information warfare: Strategy and tools. (Duggan & Hutchinson)

More on defensive information warfare. (Kaomea et al.)

Defining civil defense in the information age. (Round & Rudolph)

Denial of service attacks.

Denial of service attacks and the federal response.

Denial of service attacks and IRC.

Denial of service attacks: Minimizing the effects. (Huegen)

Denial of service attacks: Smurfing.

Denial of service attacks and terrorism.

Denial of service attacks and the UDP port.

Detecting computer intrusions.

Digital Evidence and Computer Crime [An important book

Digital search and seizure. (Center for Democracy and Technology)

The digital threat: United States national security and computers. (Devost)



Distributed denial of service tools.

Protecting Against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks.

DoD’s automated intrusion detection system. (Frank)

The DoD’s reaction to hacking. (Cummings)

DoD’s vulnerability to information warfare. (Levin)

Dominant battlespace knowledge. (Johnson & Libicki)

EASEL survivability simulation


ECHELON: An introduction.

Inside ECHELON. (Campbell)

ECHELON: A European report.

ECHELON: A global surveillance network. (Verton)

ECHELON: Lots of up-to-date information.

ECHELON: New Zealand’s involvement. (Hager)

An ECHELON failure: The World Trade Center terrorism.

ECHELON: The Danger of Communication in the 21ST Century. (Yancey)


ECHELON use by USA investigated by the United Nations.

Economic and industrial espionage.

Economic Espionage Act of 1996.

Economic espionage and cybercrime.

Economic espionage, technology transfers and national security. (Schweitzer
et al.)

The economic impact of IW.

Electromagnetic evesdropping. (van Eck)

Electromagnetic radiation and the brain: A bibliography. (Beck & Byrd)

Electromagnetic weapons of mass destruction. (Kopp)

Electronic civil disobedience. (Wray)

More on electronic civil disobedience.

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

An electronic Pearl Harbor? Not likely. (Smith)

More on electronic Pearl Harbor.

Electronic Warfare for the Digitized Battlefield [An important book]

Eligible receiver. (Gertz)

More about Eligible receiver.

Email and espionage.

Email security.

Email wiretapping.

Emission security assessments.

Emission security countermeasures.

EMP and TEMPEST hardening: U.S. Army document.

Encryption in crime and terrorism. (Denning & Baugh)

Encryption policy: A Department of Justice FAQ.

Encryption papers available online.

Email security.

Errors that lead to computer security vulnerabilities.

E-strikes and cyber-sabotage: Civilian hackers go online to fight.

Ethics, law and computer security.

The ethics of information warfare. (Kuehl)

European Union directive on data protection.

Ew 101 : A First Course in Electronic Warfare [An important book]

Al Salam network and Information PeacefareFree public communication on the Internet

Peace Counterintelligence online

Austrian infopeace site

Art of Information Peacefare – Insight into he Kno

Little Brothers in cyberspace

Gandhi an steganography

Bertha von Suttner and telecommunications

German information peacefare site

Transparente Schutzdienste

Transparenter Staat

Schutz der Bürger vor Cyberkriminalität und Freiheitsberaubung durch staatliche und private Kriminelle

Austria promots internetuse of Citoyens

Austria and cyberpeace activities worldwide

Decentral Intelligence science and technology

Class III information peacefar begins

code white worm

Code white FAQ

Computer rights bibliography (Andreas Landl)

Computer justice categories (Andreas Landl)

Computer emancipation – an introduction

Computer a just perspective

Computer possibilities for Peace

Compter rights laws by state

Computer justice promotion

How the Federal Peace Investigation works

Computer Peace guidlines

Computer for Peace statistics (Landl)

Profit of Computer Peace

Computer privacy

Right use of computer act (Austria)



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