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Bonn International Center for Conversion Sommer/Herbst

Erstellt am 15.07.2008 von Andreas Hermann Landl
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BICC Newsletter 07/08 (July 2008)


Announcement / Vorankündigung:

DIGGING FOR PEACE—The Role of Private Companies in Zones of Conflict
Fatal Transactions Conference, Bonn (20‑21 November 2008)/
Fatal Transactions-Konferenz, Bonn (20. – 21. November 2008)/
BICC and Fatal Transactions are organizing a conference on the role of private enterprises in zones of conflict. The conference will look on the actual situation with regard to natural resources and conflict in Africa.

International Conference, Davos, Switzerland (25 ‑ 29 August 2008)/
Internationale Konferenz, Davos, Schweiz (25. ‑ 29. August 2008)
Peter Croll will participate in the “International Disaster and Risk Conference” (IDRC) in Davos and, on 26. August, will facilitate the panel “Critical Information Infrastructure, Prospective Issue on Vulnerabilities, Protection and Resilience”.

Talk “Demobilization of child soldiers”, Bonn (13 August 2008)/
Vortrag „Demobilisierung von Kindersoldaten“, Bonn (13 August 2008)
Am Mittwoch, den 13. August, 14.00 bis 16.00 Uhr, lädt das BICC zum Vortrag mit Diskussion „Demobilisierung von Kindersoldaten: Die Beispiele Demokratische Republik Kongo (DRK) und Liberia“, ein.   Nach einer Einführung von Wolf-Christian Paes (Internationales Konversionszentrum Bonn, BICC) referieren Peter Müller, Deutsche Welthungerhilfe, zu „Demobilisierung von Kindersoldaten in der DRK“) und Janel Galvanek, Studentin Master of Peace and Security Studies am Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg (IFSH) zu „Demobilisierung von Kindersoldaten in Liberia“.
Ort: BICC, An der Elisabethkirche 25, 53113 Bonn

Action Day: Millennium Development Goals, Mainz (30 July 2008)/
Aktionstag zu Millenniumzielen, Mainz (30. Juli 2008)
Mit einem Aktionstag wirbt der Aktionskreis UN-Millenniumsziele in Rheinland-Pfalz, in dessen Trägerkreis das BICC ist, auch in diesem Jahr für die UN-Millenniumsziele 2015. Der Aktionstag am 30. Juli 2008 auf dem Liebfrauenplatz in der Mainzer Innenstadt wird im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe „Mainz lebt auf seinen Plätzen“ vom Aktionskreis UN- Millenniumsziele in Rheinland-Pfalz in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Stadt Mainz organisiert. Eine Teilnahme ist noch möglich.

Talk “The role of Western powers in non-violent revolutions”, Bonn (22 July 2008)/
Vortrag „Die Rolle der westlichen Mächte in gewaltfreien Revolutionen“, Bonn (22. Juli 2008)
On Tuesday, 22 July at 11.00 hrs, BICC, together with the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC) invites for a talk and following discussion on „The role of Western Powers in non-violent revolutions (in English) by Dr. Stephen Zunes, Professor for Politics and International Studies at the University of San Francisco.
Venue: BICC, An der Elisabethkirche 25, 53113 Bonn.

Third Biennial Meeting of States on SALW, New York (14‑18 July 2008)/
Drittes Staatentreffen zu Kleinwaffen, New York (14. ‑ 18. Juli 2008)
On the occasion of the “Third Biennial Meeting of States (BMS) to Consider the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat, and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons In All Its Aspects” in New York (14‑18 July), the German Federal Foreign Office and BICC invite to a panel discussion on “Implications of the International Tracing Instrument at the Regional, National and Community Levels” on 17 July, German House. Panelists are Michael Hasenau, Deputy Head, Conventional Arms Control, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin, Dr. Michael Ashkenazi, Senior Researcher and Head of SALW Control Program, BICC, Wolf Christian Paes, Senior Researcher, BICC, Dr. Riak Gok Majok, Director, Community Security and Arms Control Bureau, Government of Southern Sudan, Baffour Amoa, Director, West Africa Action Network on Small Arms (WAANSA), and Peter J. Croll, Director, BICC, as moderator.
On 16 July the Canadian government will host a lunchtime side event with the title „Sudan: Arms, Armed Groups, and Armed Violence“. Eric Berman (Small Arms Survey, SAS) will chair the meeting with Robert Muggah (SAS), Henry Smith (Saferworld) and Wolf-Christian Paes (BICC) presenting.

Presentation at the OSCE-Academy, Bishkek / Kyrgyzstan   (14 July 2008)/
Vortrag an der OSZE-Academie, Bischkek/Kirgisien (14. Juli 2008)
Andreas Heinemann-Grüder sprach am 14. Juli in der kirgisischen Hauptstadt Bischkek zum Thema „Sicherheitsapparate in nicht- demokratischen Regimen“. Der Vortrag an der OSZE-Akademie fand in Russisch statt.

BICC Board of Trustees Meeting (1 July 2008)/
Gesellschafterversammlung des BICC, Bonn (1. Juli 2008)
Am 1. Juli fand am BICC die alljährliche Gesellschafterversammlung der GmbH statt.

Talk and discussion on the electoral process in Zimbabwe, Bonn (3 July 2008)/
Diskussion zur Situation in Simbabwe, Bonn (3. Juli 2008)
On Thursday, 3 July, 14:00 hrs, BICC invited to a talk and discussion on “The electoral process and media environment in Zimbabwe“ held by Itai Mushekwe, journalist from Zimbabwe.
Itai Mushekwe has written for various print media, such as the “Zimbabwe Independent Newspaper,“ and the “Zimbabwe Guardian.“ He now lives in Cologne. Just a short time ago, he was a panelist at the Global Media Forum of Deutsche Welle and discussed: “How can the truth survive? In Africa journalists are often caught between the battle lines.“
Information: .

Training for the African Standby Force, Pretoria (7‑28 June 2008)/
Training für African Standby Force, Pretoria (7. -28. Juni 2008)
Within the framework of the Integrated Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Standards Training Group, Michael Ashkenazi and a team of experts from Sweden, South Africa, and Austria trained South African Defence Forces personnel for their deployment as part of the South African contribution to the African Standby Force. Trainees were drawn from all branches of the SADF, and the emphasis was on mixed civilian-military post-conflict activities throughout Africa.
The training took place at the SADF training facility near Pretoria from 7‑28 June.
Information :

Lecture at the Institute of Development and Peace, Duisburg (27 June 2008)/
Vortag am Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden, Duisburg (27. Juni 2008)
Im Rahmen des Workshops „Friedens- und Konfliktforschung in der Praxis“ des Instituts für Entwicklung und Frieden (INEF) der Universität Duisburg hielt Peter Croll einen Vortrag zum Thema „Beruflicher Einstieg in die Friedens- und Konfliktforschung“. Elvan Isikozlu, Expertin am BICC zu Kleinwaffen, führte den Vorsitz in dem Workshop „Anwendungsorientierte Forschung und Beratung“.

Panel Discussion “Governing the Gift of Nature: the Links between Governance, Conflict and Natural Resources”, Geneva (27 June 2008)/
Podiumsdiskussion “Governing the Gift of Nature: the Links between Governance, Conflict and Natural Resources”, Genf (27. Juni 2008)
Fatal Transactions Germany organized the panel discussion “Governing the Gift of Nature: the Links between Governance, Conflict and Natural Resources” at the 12th EADI (European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes) General Conference. The EADI conference, which was held from 24–28 June in Geneva, Switzerland, focused on „Global Governance for Sustainable Development: The need for Policy Coherence and new Partnerships.“ The BICC panel discussion took place on 27 June and offered space to discuss several issues around ‘natural resources and governance’. Speakers were: John Lungu (Copperbelt University Zambia), Jolien Schure (BICC), Morten Boas (Fafo), Anneke Galama (Fatal Transactions). The panel was chaired by Wolf- Christian Paes (BICC).

Lecture on Security Policy, Bonn (26 June 2008)/
Vortrag zur Sicherheitspolitik, Bonn (26. Juni 2008)
Am 26. Juni lud das BICC zum Vortrag mit Diskussion „Sicherheitspolitische Herausforderungen für Deutschland und die deutsche Industrie“ von Prof. Dr. Holger H. Mey, Vizepräsident und Leiter Advanced Concepts, Verteidigungs- und Sicherheitssysteme der European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS), München, ein.

Dialogue seminar on „African Diaspora in Europe,” Brussels (24‑25 June 2008)/
Dialogseminar zu “Afrikanische Diasopora in Europa”, Brüssel (24. – 25. Juni 2008)
>From 25‑26 June, Andrea Warnecke participated in a policy dialogue seminar on „Engaging African Diaspora in Europe as Strategic Agents for Development in Africa“ held at Brussels. The seminar was organized by the African Diaspora Policy Centre (ADPC) in cooperation with the European Commission and the UNDP and explored the added value and options for strategic partnerships between the diaspora and other stakeholders in the field of migration and development. As one of the first events of its kind, the seminar brought together 50 leading African diaspora organizations from 10 EU countries to discuss best practices, new avenues for a more systematic cooperation as well as dialogue with policymakers involved in migration and development-related issues in Europe and in Africa.

Discussion on Friedensgutachten (Peace Report) 2008, Bonn (17 June 2008)/
Diskussionsveranstaltung zum Friedensgutachten 2008, Bonn (17. Juni 2008)
Gemeinsam mit (Women In International Security Deutschland e.V.) führte das BICC eine Diskussionsveranstaltung durch, die dem Friedensgutachten 2008 gewidmet war. Dr. Andreas Heinemann-Grüder, federführender Herausgeber des Friedensgutachtens, referierte zum Thema „Friedensgutachten 2008 – Neues Wettrüsten und Alternativen“.

Memorandum of Understanding between the Eastern Africa Standby Brigade Coordination Mechanism (EASBRICOM) and BICC, Bonn (13 June 2008)/
Memorandum of Understanding zwischen Eastern Africa Standby Brigade Coordination Mechanism (EASBRICOM) und BICC, Bonn (13. Juni 2008)
Peter Croll, Director of BICC, and Peter Marwa, representative of EASBRICOM, who acted on behalf of EASBRICOM Director Simon Mulongo, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 13. June. This document is the foundation for future cooperation in the areas of small arms control, security sector reform, DD&R, and on challenges for security and development in post-conflict situations.

InWEnt event „Multi-faceted Africa“, Bad Honnef (13 June 2008)/
InWEnt Veranstaltung „Vielschichtiges Afrika“, Bad Honnef (13. Juni 2008)
Auf Einladung von InWEnt, dem Deutsch-Mosambikanischen Forum, dem Deutsch-Afrikanischen Forum, ISSA und V-EZ reflektierte Peter Croll auf der Veranstaltung „Vielschichtiges Afrika“ in Bad Honnef mit dem Vortrag „Licht am Ende des Tunnels“ Hintergründe der (Konflikt)Situation einiger afrikanischer Länder.


Volker Franke, who was Research Director at BICC from 2006 to 2008, took his leave of BICC in June to devote himself to new research activities. As Senior Advisor, he will remain in close contact with BICC.

The work of Philip Rush, intern at BICC, has been featured on the MIIS website.



26 June 2008 / 26. Juni 2008
Peace Process and Conflict Diamonds in Côte d’Ivoire

11 June 2008 / 11. Juni 2008
Memorandum of Understanding between EASBRICOM and BICC

3 June 2008 / 3. Juni 2008
Presseerklärung zum Friedensgutachten 2008


BICC Focus 8:
Conflict diamonds and peace process in Côte d’Ivoire

BICC Focus 8:
Diamants de conflit et processus de paix en Côte d’Ivoire

BICC Focus 7:
Peter J. Croll, Andreas Lebzien and Wolf-Christian Paes. 2008.
‘Yellow Imperialism’ or ‘successful wealth creation formula’?—How the trade in natural
resources is changing Chinese-African relations. June.

Friedensgutachten 2008

BICC Annual Report 2007/2008
BICC Jahresbericht 2007/2008

BICC brief 36
Jerry Sommer und Andrea Warnecke, eds., 2008. “The Security–Migration Nexus: Challenges and Opportunities of the African Migration to EU Countries.”

New BICC Comic Book
The Adventures of Simon—A New Beginning in the New Sudan

is a fifteen-minute film that examines the current situation of the population of Southern Sudan, which lives under the constant threat caused by small arms. The film’s story is primarily told through interviews, featuring memories and emotions of community members.


Posted in Abrüstung, Afrika, Entwicklung, Friedensforschung, Friedenskultur, Friedensorganisation, Friedenspädagogik, Friedensstifter, Krisenregion, Peacebuilding, Rüstungsexport, Unfrieden, Waffenhandel

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